“Formerly Safe” Sweden “shocked” by murder of multiculti import – IOTW Report

“Formerly Safe” Sweden “shocked” by murder of multiculti import

Really? Still shocked that your country isn’t the same anymore? Shocked that it’s worse?

Daily Mail- A 17-year-old girl was beheaded by her 23-year-old ex-boyfriend after breaking up with him in Sweden, it is alleged. 

Wilma Andersson vanished on November 14 last year and police found a ‘body part’ two weeks later – which was later revealed to be her head. 

Her ex-boyfriend Tishko Ahmed Shabaz was arrested at the time and has now been charged with her murder, which he denies. 

Shabaz is accused of decapitating Wilma when she went to collect her belongings before wrapping her head in foil and hiding it at his home. 

Relatives say that Wilma had gone to her ex-boyfriend’s house to pick up her things after ending the relationship.  

It is also claimed that neighbours heard screaming from the apartment and that Shabaz lied to Wilma’s parents by claiming she had left the flat alive. 

However, Wilma’s coat and handbag were allegedly still hanging in the closet, raising doubts over Shabaz’s claims.  

Shabaz denies all the allegations, telling investigators: ‘You forget that this is a girl that I have loved and that I have lived my life perfectly.’  


Sadly, a large part of the circumstantial evidence is the decapitation. Muslims are obsessed with this act.


14 Comments on “Formerly Safe” Sweden “shocked” by murder of multiculti import

  1. Some understanding judge (or likely a judgette) that drools whenever the word diversity is uttered will dismiss on grounds that it’s their “culture” and we can’t deprive him of his Iftar dinner after Ramadan. I always find it interesting that there’s very little blow-back by the citizenry when this happens in the EU.

  2. Death Cults demand deaths from time to time. Send them packing back to their Third World Shitholes to practice their Religion of Peace amongst themselves. Make them get to their version of heaven killing one another instead of Europeans.

  3. He needs a two road flare sendoff
    Stake his nasty ass out face down
    Load one all the way in his bottom, load the second one most of the way and light it.
    Hopefully the second one lights the first


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