Foul Mouthed Tina – Still Like Her – IOTW Report

Foul Mouthed Tina – Still Like Her

Many can’t take the New Yawker thing, and her extreme potty mouth. I don’t mind. She’s pissed. She should be. We should all be pissed.

47 Comments on Foul Mouthed Tina – Still Like Her

  1. You’ve got to love her passion! One thing I don’t understand is all the people that make videos from the front seat of their car. I watched one from her yesterday and she was driving, not even looking at the road.

    JD, yeah, that’s the one.

  2. “Get the fuck outta here!”

    Sounds a lot like…

    “Get the fuck out of my neighborhood!”

    In my native tongue, that translates to, “Get off my planet!”

    But the Universal Galactic Translator has it as, “Die already!”

  3. @ joe6pak JULY 24, 2020 AT 5:59 PM

    That ain’t shit.

    My mom could pass a line of cars, on a blind curve, while lighting a cigarette turned around backwards slapping three kids down in the back seat in Montana where any vehicle going under 70 (95 on one of the three paved roads in the state) gets passed.

    BTW, her road machines were a pair of Galaxies 500s. 1963 406 tri power and 1965 390 PI, our family friend was the Fleet Sales Manager at Capital Ford in Helena. You had to have a hook up to privately purchase a police intercepter equipped Galaxie back then.

  4. @BFH – I think it’s more “the fuck outta here?” Though, @Jimmy – I find BOTH to be quite acceptable, but its is about intonation, decibel level and usage. For instance the phrase can be used prior to a fight or used as an agreement saying, as in, ‘you’re kidding me?”.

    I was looking at her account just yesterday for an update.

    Guess where she’s from?? OUR HOME BOROUGH of daaaa BRONX.

    Correct @Aaron Burr, @Mary Hatch sounds like that, well at least a version of that……her sister is woyse. Get my pernt?


  5. She’s Fuckin Hot!

    I Like Her!

    Here’s a baseball thing not playing in the States:

    The Toronto Blue Jays have the City’s blessing, the provinces Blessing, but not the Federal Governments Blessing to Play in Toronto. As of this afternoon, It looks like The Jay’s will be temporarily Located in Buffalo.

    Could The Buffalo Blue Jay’s become a permanent thing? I hope so, because WE as Canadians let by the most Corrupt Prime Minister EVER do not deserve to have nice things.

    Anyway, Fuck the NBA, MLB, & NFL – The kneeling is just to sell some new BS T-shirts and shit.

  6. She’s funny. I like her.

    Straight Outta Noo Yawk. I fucking agree with her that the mother-fuckers have fucking fucked up the fucking NY fucking Yankees.

  7. @Jimmy – “…Hehehe, BFH. What dafuck was I thinking?!…”

    You still didn’t get it. Drop the “What”, and say, “dafuck was I thinkin?”

    Trust me.

  8. She needs to run for political office. If An Occasional Cortex can say “fucking bitch” on the house floor, well Katie bar the door, because Tina is gonna burn the House down.

  9. I like her. She is not afraid!! I will give her credit. She has a pair of Cogliones (as they say in Italian)!! I enjoy her posts. I know lanuguage can seem offensive but she is only saying what we are all thinking!!

    @systemically confused – I thought she was from Long Island!

    God Bless us all!

  10. @BFH – take the shithead money making troll ^^^^ off PLEASE.


    @MJA – foul mouthed Tina doll!? Hysterical! We need more GI JOEs these daze.

  11. No consensus on the accent yet?

    I love love love regional accents. Am surprised no one has stepped up definitively to identify hers.

    My guess is Jersey.

    We have our own accents out West that the savvy listener can identify if they’re crafty.

  12. @Aaron Burr – bitch, pay attention here, she’s from the BRONX. ITS ON HER TWATTER HANDLE.

    Got it?

    You missed my comment above, but heck, who really gives a shit?

    Maybe we should just concentrate on the F-100? With a flatbed full of zip guns? And cheap beer…on ice.

    IF you were guessing accents, Staten Island or Nasaw Lonk Island…maybe a good runner up?


  13. I’m west coast, so… The language kind of roll’s off like water…

    I like her, she has spunk… If I was single…

    But I’m not… So… Can we run her against AOC? 🙂


  14. Arguing about accents…

    I stepped into an empty lift with a bunch of mumbling, non eye-contact making maggots and I asked, pointing at each maggot in turn, “What floor?”, since I was the only motherfucker punching buttons (they’re too fucking stupid to punch their own buttons).

    The last asswipe on the lift, but me, said, “You are English. I pride myself in knowing accents…”

    I wanted to quote from the film Angel Heart, “I’m from Brooklyn…”, but I couldn’t do it. I was laughing too hard.

    “I’m from Golden Beach, Maryland.”

    Dude may have been a fag. Not a cigarette, but, you know, a homosexual.

  15. I “took” the stairs for a decade after that.

    And that reminds of another funny bunch of bullshit in an elevator.

    I got on the elevator with my motorcycle helmet early one morning and some asshat asked, “You ride a motorcycle?”

    “No. I wear a helmet because I fall sometimes. I have tourettes.”

  16. kinda like the dude at wallyworld today. The woman shouted out, “I got COPD!”

    Dude in the black shirt said, “You don’t have to tell me. Just say “ADA””.


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