Found On Moron ex-Friend’s Timeline On Facebook – IOTW Report

Found On Moron ex-Friend’s Timeline On Facebook

I get emails all the time from readers who tell the sad tale of seeing a friend’s timeline and discovering that they have been absorbed by the moron spectrum of the political pie chart – the left.

One friend’s timeline was filled with anti-Trump/pro-Sanders idiocy.

When I got to this graphic I had to step away from the computer. It took only 3 seconds of normal thinking to either burst out laughing. (The problem is once the laughter subsides you want to go out and throat punch a dirty hippie.)

Let’s set aside that this was called FAKE NEWS (even by Snopes) which was peddled by Huffington Post, and reblogged by cheeseteeth a$$holes like this “friend” on Facebook.

Even if the statistic was true, wouldn’t common sense tell you that just maybe the reason these churches, in Houston, didn’t act as shelters was because THEY WERE FLOODED????!!!  you goddamn dirty ape!


25 Comments on Found On Moron ex-Friend’s Timeline On Facebook

  1. Just about my whole family are like this moron. They believe and repost anything anti Trump that they come across or is sent to them by their equally vacuous friends. My niece once posted the old lie about women only getting paid 75 (or something like that) percent of what men get paid and I posted back where that’s proven to be a lie and showed her how it’s a lie. She posted back that she was “sure” it was correct in some places. I’ve removed myself from facebook and now skip all family getogethers except Christmas and I keep that one down to two days or less. It saddens me because they are smart folks but the progs have them.

  2. Oh, get fukkin real … why are there any ObolaCare exemptions?

    Why hasn’t Trump awakened to this? Or the “fact” that the NFL is a “charitable” (thus tax exempt) organization? Why are the Clintons not in prison? Why hasn’t Harry Reid been hanged? Why is Obola?

    Too much real shit to ponder rather than made-up Militant Atheist shit.

    (How many mosques were taking in Houston flooding refugees?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Plutonium Kid, I agree and it brings up why those organizations receive their tax exempt status. I’m not a fan of taxes, and I know I pay way too much. It drives me nuts to see the organizations that pay no taxes.

  4. I consider myself blessed to have a family well grounded in conservatism and Christianity. I’ve got one stray niece. Idiot bitch is baby mama to many men, mostly black, and is a thieving freeloader.

    Needless to say, she knows better than to contact me. Ever.

  5. Sorry to hear that, PHenry. Luckily and miraculously, I have no one in my family that is like your niece. Church is in the background of both my mom’s and dad’s families. I never understood the draw of a lifestyle like the baby mamas and the man-whores. Why, after God created you and offered you everything simple and complex in this entire world to use to your benefit, you would use none of it AND you would throw away your self-respect? Your self-respect (not your vanity) is so very important.

  6. It’s strange also that niece never joins the family when I go out to visit. I’ve never given her the business. I’ve never said word one about her lifestyle. But she knows who I am and is too embarrassed to appear. What was that you were saying about self respect?

    I also know another kid that would walk up to every man he came across and ask “Are you my daddy?” It was the saddest thing I’ve ever witnessed. He grew up to be a murderer. Not sure if he’s still in prison.

  7. How can a church be open if everyone evacuates? Do you expect them to stay behind, risk their lives for who? Everyone was supposed to evacuate!

    ALSO, who pays the cost of housing people in a church? They use utilities: electricity, bathrooms, water, cooking, wear and tear. Who cleans up after? Who pays the tab and removes ruined carpets, stained walls, broken property? A church doesn’t want to pay a $30,000 tab for that.


    and all the other left-wing “social justice warriors” are not criticized for doing NOTHING. Oh, they send out tweets to raise money for ABORTIONS in case survivors are in need.

    No money to help move on, but money to kill your kid.

  9. geeknerd, sort of like they have done to health insurance. Believe me, I’m not advocating taxing churches, just the opposite. I’m just frustrated as hell with special interests getting all kinds of breaks and small businesses paying till it hurts.

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