Found Time Capsule Letter Reveals WARPED FORM OF JOURNALISM – IOTW Report

Found Time Capsule Letter Reveals WARPED FORM OF JOURNALISM

Annie sent me this story about an Australian guy who put a letter inside his bathroom wall during a renovation in 1995.

It’s part time capsule, part prediction.

The Sun touts it as extremely prophetic, amazed that the guy could foresee trouble with Islam and China emerging as a superpower.

I, however, was more taken by a subtle little twist the Sun put on Greg Wilkinson’s letter.

See if you see it-

Got it yet??







Where in Greg’s prediction did he say “warped forms of Islam”?

Greg said “Islam will be the next ideological problem.” And Greg was right.

But as The Sun praised the guy they changed his prediction to suit THEIR NARRATIVE.


I’m going to make a prediction and leave it in my wall.

Can anyone guess any of my predictions?


26 Comments on Found Time Capsule Letter Reveals WARPED FORM OF JOURNALISM

  1. If he’d.meant Christianity, he’d have said so. Looks to me like he was talking about Sunni v. Shia, and the journos dropped that specificity to insinuate a Christian v. Muslim conflict. At the time he wrote this, muslims were much weaker politically and militarily, so they dared not take out their innate Islamic rage on the western powers who dominated their lands. They attacked each other instead, which they’d been doing for centuries after they were brought to heel by the West. I think the author assumed this sort of intramural violence would only get worse, not conceiving that his culture would shortly begin ceding ground to Islam, bit by bit, for the rest of the twentieth century and beyond.

  2. I wonder if Austrodamus had any predictions about the Cold War. It seems like he’s focused on his part of the world, to the exclusion of everything else. So many millions of muslims nearby, and Australia had almost been conquered by one Asian superpower less than twenty years before. Very interesting post, BFH.

  3. Interesting post. This guy is a Boomer, he was 39 in 1995, he’s 61 now.

    Islam did not suddenly “become” a threat to the West on 9.11.2001. It’s been an ever present military threat for the last 500 years.
    Muslims launched wars of obliteration against Israel in 1967 and 1973.
    As part of the 1973 war, Muslim OPEC declared an Oil Embargo against the West.
    ME oil had been steady at $2 a barrel for most of the 20 C. Overnight OPEC cut off oil flow, an act of war. Oil prices soared to over $22 barrel. All Western economies were devastated. Exactly as intended.
    Oil profits were invested in financial Jihad as Muslim OPEC nations bought Western media corporations and funded Islam through Western universities, academia, and programming. Meanwhile they bought Western politicians including upper law enforcement.
    None of this is new.

  4. Prediction: 2036, Hillary Clinton runs for president for the seventh unsuccessful time. If elected, she would have been the oldest president at 94 yeas of age. After being defeated, Ms. Clinton refused to congratulate Newell elected president Baron Trump, preferring to spend her time in private with her spouse, Lady Gaga. Clinton and Gaga were married in 2027, shortly after Bill Clinton was found dead of a massive heart attack on pedo island, on top of a 15 year old girl.

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