Four Reasons Biden’s Election Performance Is Unbelievable – IOTW Report

Four Reasons Biden’s Election Performance Is Unbelievable

The National Pulse

The statistical case is, admittedly, circumstantial rather than conclusive.

But the numbers also firmly point to the intense improbability of the accuracy of the present Biden lead. The statistical case provides more than enough reasonable suspicion to require hand recounts and immediate investigation into fraudulent activities, including the new damning revelations of on-the-record whistleblowers. More

21 Comments on Four Reasons Biden’s Election Performance Is Unbelievable

  1. This is great but it isn’t going to be what moves courts. It is going to have to be documented fraud, enough to change the result and going ballot by ballot is time consuming. Dominion and the ‘glitches’ aka steals that have been documented seem more likely to play a big role. We all know it is BS but when the left is openly saying they are keeping revenge lists who exactly is that directed at right now? Judges?

  2. While there is a LOT that I don’t know about Trump’s evidence, my concern has always been that no matter how much common sense and statistical analysis point to a “no way in hell” probability that Biden won without STEALING this election, it remains circumstantial.

    The left will hammer (pun intended) home the “no credible evidence” deception til there’s nothing left to hammer. I hope Trump has the credible evidence he needs to take back the election and send people to prison.

  3. I hear ya Brad, I’ve read and heard it all, I’m only laying out the worst case scenario. Believe me when I tell you that I have faith, and here it comes…BUT, do sworn affidavits of illegal tampering or activities translate into verifiable illegal votes?

    Once the ballots are co-mingled the only thing that can be done is disqualify all the ballots in question, which will be a very difficult case to make or at least convince the court to agree to. Like I said the Trump team may have some aces up it’s sleeve, I sure as shit hope and pray they do.

  4. Speaking of embarrassment, Biden said today that it’s an embarrassment that Trump hasn’t conceded yet.

    No, Joe, it’s an embarrassment if Trump did concede solely on the grounds you and your ilk want him to.

    When asked, “How do you expect to work with repubs if they don’t even recognize you as pres-elect?”

    Joe responded, “They will.”

    Now he’s threatening us. THAT is an embarrassment, Joe.

  5. I guess PDT will have to find an attorney. Oh that’s right, He already has dozens of the very best. Joe’s co conspirators
    are crapping all over themselves. The only question is will they go to prison or commit Arkanside awaiting sentencing.

  6. Hillary thought she had the election fixed just by running against Trump. That’s how bad her political instincts are. She was afraid she’d have to run against JEB! of all people. So the democrat party didn’t even think they’d have to steal the election.

  7. Brad read this article, it covers both of our arguments/concerns. The good news is that the good guys win in the end.

    An excerpt from the article:

    “…There is legal proof and common-sense proof.

    Legal proof may take a bit but the common-sense measurement showing massive fraud is off the charts, and it is only five days after the election. There’s plenty more to come…”

  8. Kind of funny, in a it’s not funny way. How after the MSM proclaimed Joe president elect. Both Joe and Dr Fauci are more cheerful and see a bright future.

    Yet less than 30 days ago Dr Fauci was proclaiming the whole world would have to change the way people live for decades, or most of them will die. Now. The future looks bright, and on schedule for life to return to normal by spring.

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