Fox Airs Ginsburg Obituary For a Brief Moment – IOTW Report

Fox Airs Ginsburg Obituary For a Brief Moment

Fox apologized for momentarily flashing this obituary on screen.

Of course the left is outraged, forgetting that CBS did the same thing to Barbara Bush.

ht/ Hot Salsa

Video HERE courtesy of Meerkat

40 Comments on Fox Airs Ginsburg Obituary For a Brief Moment

  1. “Of course the left is outraged, forgetting that CBS did the same thing to Barbara Bush.”

    …since it is now clear that Ginsberg and the Bushes play for the same team, they could STILL argue that it’s only commies that get premature obituaries…

  2. Apparently Fox is ready for the announcement and won’t have to do a last minute quickie coverage of the event.

    I imagine all of the MSM networks are in the same situation, with already prepared obituaries ready and waiting to be broadcast, no one ever wants to play rush and catch up in a highly predictable major development.

  3. Aw come on, we all know they’re not ‘jumping the gun’!
    Prove us wrong, have Ruthie phone in a ‘thank you’ call to all her well-wishers or at least wave to us from her hospital bed.

  4. …it’s actually late. Ginsberg died in early December 2016, they just took her corpse and had the gayer Disney Imagineers peel the already-leathery hide off it, cut the beak, tail, and shoes off a Daisy Duck anamatronic, and stretch that abomination over it, with Hillary as the voice actor. Those times it seems to be “asleep” are just when it didn’t get charged properly the night before…×3481/1200×800/filters:focal(0x34:4596×3481)/

  5. “What about the two movies about he life story?”

    …and the REALLY sad part about the movies, @Tony R, was that they left out her early teen years when she was known as the Witch of Endor, even though they had source material in 1 Samuel 28…

  6. Someone really died, but it was Ruth Gator Buzzard, of Philadelphia, a local character mostly known for wearing crazy hats and sharing her home with 306 pets, including cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, birds, goats, fleas, and lice.

    Fox just made a few spelling errors, that’s all.

  7. Probably the most hilarious comments thread ever for IOTW. Sitting in a Tractor Supply parking lot laughing my happy ass off originally from just the headline, then y’all let loose, literally I am crying.

    I just love youse guys!!!

  8. Actually, THANK YOU Fox News for bringing the issue to light!
    Is she alive?
    Would the Democrats DO such a thing?! That is, hide her death for political gain?!
    Isn’t she obligated to show up for work?!
    (how much vacation time can she use before it’s time to replace her with a justice that has a pulse??)
    Again, is she alive?!


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