Fox Bint Mocks Fact On Hot Mic That Networks Do Not Call Elections – IOTW Report

Fox Bint Mocks Fact On Hot Mic That Networks Do Not Call Elections

22 Comments on Fox Bint Mocks Fact On Hot Mic That Networks Do Not Call Elections

  1. I’ve watched so little of daytime FoxNews in the last 6 months that I don’t even recognize her. The give away is when she says “we called it”. That’s not on all the clips flying around. So watch them try to claim she was talking to someone behind the scenes.

  2. Here, let me put this in terms she is no doubt able to relate to: We’ve called it and a four quarters will get you a condom in a truck stop bathroom. It doesn’t get you much else.

  3. I pegged Sandra What’s Her Face as a liberal toady a while back. I will still watch Tucker, Ingraham, and Gutfeld…but the rest of the time will be spent on NewsMax.

  4. All the same people who kissed Japanese ass back in the 80’s when they all thought the Nips were going to be the next world power are kissing Chinese ass now. A traitor is a traitor and that’s that..
    Arrogance doesn’t signify dominance, ya know?

  5. I stopped watching FOX, about four years ago, because I knew it was headed towards unabashed libtard reporting. Sure, there may be some decent FOX commentators still with the network, but they in effect condone FOX policies. Their shows may soon be cancelled just like Judge Jeanine’s program.


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