Fox News anchors ordered not to “bash” Dylan Mulvaney after Tucker Carlson fired – IOTW Report

Fox News anchors ordered not to “bash” Dylan Mulvaney after Tucker Carlson fired

Revolver News- Fox News might have always been more of a globalist than a patriotic news company, but when Roger Ailes left Fox News it signified something even worse: the end of the network’s conservative era — an era that strongly aligned with patriotic, hardworking Americans. With Ailes’ departure, the network transformed under the leadership of the the Murdochs and influential globalist board members such as Paul Ryan, fully aligning itself with the establishment and progressive ideology.

Roger Ailes’ widow Elizabeth came out recently and slammed the Murdochs for how they’v destroyed Fox News in 6 short years.

At this rate, some would argue that Fox News is an “enemy of the people” just like CNN and other mainstream media outlets. What we’re now discovering about Fox News confirms that belief, and it reveals the extent to which Fox has embraced progressive ideals. The situation at Fox News has deteriorated to the point where they are now protecting the trans cult and forbidding hosts from criticizing transvestite Dylan Mulvaney; the gender-bender who brought down a beer empire. more here

14 Comments on Fox News anchors ordered not to “bash” Dylan Mulvaney after Tucker Carlson fired

  1. Dylan Mulvaney is a caricature.
    A walking, talking caricature of … uhhh … something.
    The sick clown needs to be pointed at and laughed at everywhere he turns up.
    Anything else re-enforces his delusion and is probably harmful to his twisted psyche.

    Enough is enough of these mentally-ill perverts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Mulvaney and the clownish dragsters (they are not worthy of being called queens) are mocking girls and women. They are the equivalent of blackface and cartoons of the past depicting the Irish as underdeveloped apes.

  3. Every time a news anchor reads a story and identifies the male subject by their womanface name, they sink a little more into democrat ideology. Most, including Fox, are already lost to us.

  4. So all these brave, fearless, conservative Fox warrior hosts, like that melon headed blow hard Hannity, and that hatchet faced slag with an annoying voice Ingraham meekly go along so as not to risk their overpaid gigs. So Courageous! The Murdocks are communist scum suckers.


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