Fox News Caught Trying to Pass Political Operative As a “Wisconsin GOP voter” – IOTW Report

Fox News Caught Trying to Pass Political Operative As a “Wisconsin GOP voter”


Fox News is hosting the GOP debate in Wisconsin.  During this build up segment, Martha MacCallum introduces the “random Republican voters” in Wisconsin who will watch the debate.  Except, well… there’s a little problem.  MacCallum introduces Chris Lawrence as a “Wisconsin GOP voter” who seemingly supports Ron DeSantis.  However, MacCallum fails to mention that Chris Lawrence actually works for the Koch Network, who have recently pledged to spend $70 million to defeat President Trump.

Not only has Chris Lawrence worked for the Koch Network for the past 9 years, he is also the Senior Field Director for the Koch group Americans for Prosperity.  In essence, Lawrence is a political operative planted in the group by Fox News to support Ron DeSantis and make it appear like he is an innocuous voter.  Fox News and Martha MacCallum should be embarrassed, but they won’t be.

21 Comments on Fox News Caught Trying to Pass Political Operative As a “Wisconsin GOP voter”

  1. There ARE things that attract me to DJT, but from the beginning it was his enemies pushing me to support him. Our Republic’s enemies = DJT’s enemies = an important reason why I support him.

  2. Leftist Koch Bros hated Ronny.
    By eliminating many loopholes – leftists say “exemptions” and “deductions” – he raised their taxes over800%. some said over 1,200%- but before GWB’s Lerner tax returns were”secret”; so how did they know?.Koch Bros never believed in the “Invisible hand…”; always in “mailed fist of big Govt!”! Why their boy GWB forced us to buy ethanol. Koch and ADM made $billions because GWB believed in “mailed Fist”! Working Americans paid the bill!
    leftist Murdoch and Kochhave been on the same side for decades! Both are liars!

  3. Loco wrote…….”If he lives in Wisconsin and he’s registered as a GOP voter, does that not make him *checks notes* a Wisconsin GOP voter?”……

    Of course it does if you are seeking to derail Trumps run back to the White House…..The Bailiff abides….

  4. We haven’t watched the sympathetic opposition since they axed Tucker. The wife resists change. However she was all for the boycott. She mentioned earlier this week that she didn’t miss FOX one bit and was really enjoying Newsmax and OAN.

  5. I watched the Tucker Carlson interview with President Trump. I won’t sign into Twitter, but found a broadcast on YouTube.
    No reason to watch a bunch of irrelevant people who will not be nominated.
    So, Loco supports stealing nomination .

  6. Personally I think everyone should have gave FOX the finger and totally ignored the debate. For one Fox should be forced to no longer exist for how many years they lied to conservatives, built themselves because of conservatives and all along they hated conservatives. They lied on election night. They have fired Tucker.
    For two the GOP should not be rewarded for keeping anyone from the debate.
    I watched Tucker’s interview with Trump on Real Clear Politics because I wanted to do my small part to give a finger to FOX and GOP.

  7. Well ORWW, like it or not Jesse, Laura, Sean & Greg still praise Trump and slam biden* five nights a week on Fox.
    That is a fact.
    Hate them, boycott them, yet those four are big Trump allies.
    Trump himself let Brett Bair interview him a few weeks back.

  8. Loco, I’ve pretty much stayed out of your fight with those on here, but you’re really jumping the shark when you defend FOX or the GOP.
    I fully support you supporting Desantis, just as I fully support those supporting Trump, but when you take it to the level of defending Fox or the GOP that is going into cuckoo land.

    However, I wouldn’t know what Fox does because I haven’t watched anything since election night 2020 with the exception of clips of Tucker’s show before Fox got rid of him.

  9. “However, I wouldn’t know what Fox does because I haven’t watched anything since election night 2020 with the exception of clips of Tucker’s show before Fox got rid of him.”

    Well then, that tells me everything.
    You obviously don’t know what you are talking about.

    I speak of allies here and Fox’s prime time shows from 7-11 carry a whole lot of water for Trump & bash the hell out of biden*

    That is an irrefutable FACT.
    The Five & Outnumbered do so as well.
    Sure you have a few Trump haters on the network but compare that to CNN & MSNBC who bash Trump 24/7/365.
    Since you admit you do not watch, I am far more an authority on this.
    Go ahead and bash the few allies you have.
    Wait, you don’t trust Trump so why do you care about Fox any way?


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