Fox News Declines to Renew George Will’s Contract – Retains Option On Toupee – IOTW Report

Fox News Declines to Renew George Will’s Contract – Retains Option On Toupee

Breitbart: Fox News has decided not to renew political commentator George Will’s contract, according to a spokesperson from the network.

Will, 75, is a Washington Post columnist who has been with Fox since 2013 and was with ABC from 1981-2011, the Hill reported.

Will left the Republican Party in June 2016 over President Donald Trump’s candidacy, after Trump secured the Republican nomination for the presidency.

“This is not my party,” Will said at a Federalist Society luncheon. “Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House”

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*Fox exercised their option to retain Will’s toupee, offering its splendor to Farage, who after trying it on said, “it hurts! And smells worse than you’d think.”

*dramatization by BFH


24 Comments on Fox News Declines to Renew George Will’s Contract – Retains Option On Toupee

  1. So Fox finally saw the light on George Will?
    Now, when are they going to show Juan Williams and Geraldo the door?

    As for the welcome back they gave to Bob “fatty R.” Beckel?


  2. I actually like Williams and Beckel. It’s a source of amusement to see them slapped down over every point they try to make. Geraldo is just plain scum. They ought to pay msnbc to take him.

  3. George Will is one of those blue-bloods, so wedded to elitist thinking that he looks at the Republican win and thinks, OK, so it works in practice, but will it work in theory?

  4. Geraldo is trying to scramble to regain credibility with Fox viewers. Endless repetition about how he’s a long-time Trump friend. With friends like Geraldo…

  5. George Will has not been right in the head since he moved into the WaPo. Got sick of him years ago when he was out to impress readers with his ability to use a thesaurus. Why would anyone give him the time of day when there are a thousand competitors out there who write the way readers speak?

  6. They also didn’t renew the contract of Stacey Dash, a beautiful, smart conservative black. Don’t understand that one. Anybody got a reason for this?

    CFM 990 – I’m with ya. Williams and Beckel are two douchebags that always make sure you know how stupid and useless being a progtard is. As for Geraldo – take him to Chi-town and wall him up in that supposed “Capone’s secret vault” that he claimed he found years ago and made a total ass of himself.

  7. Whorealdo is a career pos! Bechtel should have worn his football helmet when he played,
    his “brain” is a useless puddle of mush! Too many impacts with goal posts.

  8. George Will is an intelligent and well spoken person. The problem is he belongs to the elite of the political power system. His view of conservatism is flawed by being a member of this powerbase, a powerbase that with luck Trump and his actual conservative followers could destroy. It’s too bad he’s Jeff Bezos’s house bitch over at the WaPo because people may actually think that he represents what conservative’s are all about.

  9. George Will is a punctilious purveyor of pusillanimous perfidy parading as a prognosticator of populist political policy and palpable premonitory predictor of paradigmatic plurality.

    (I couldn’t figure out a way to get “heuristic” in there – it must mean something)

    George is a bloviating bullshitter.

    izlamo delenda est …

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