Fox News’ desperate and risky new move: Sean Hannity? – IOTW Report

Fox News’ desperate and risky new move: Sean Hannity?

Revolver: It’s been nearly a month since the jaw-dropping firing of Tucker Carlson, and the fallout at Fox News is still heating up. The folks at Fox News are scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to turn around their sinking ratings. The situation has gotten so bad that even Megyn Kelly, a former Fox host herself, admits she’s never seen ratings this low.

As viewers continue to tune out, it becomes evident that they no longer rely on Fox News and are unlikely to return, regardless of how Fox reshuffles their prime time schedule. Desperate to halt the ongoing decline and reclaim viewership, Fox is trying every trick in the book, hoping that something they throw will stick. The next host in line to be hurled against the wall happens to be none other than Sean Hannity. The masterminds at Fox News seem to believe that by placing Hannity, who relied on Tucker Carlson as his lead-in, in the highly sought-after 8:00 p.m. slot, he will be the savior who turns the tide. However, many people are looking at this thinking Fox News is setting Hannity up for a gigantic fall. more

50 Comments on Fox News’ desperate and risky new move: Sean Hannity?

  1. good luck with that
    hannity was never able to corral listeners on his own accord
    his shows ran right after rush on the radio & bill o’reilly on the teevee


    I partly agree. hannity is a “Bush Republican”; El Rusbo told us 23 years ago. “Bush Republicans” are Democrats!”!!@#!

    I think he has always been a leftist liar; did not “sell out”.

    In any case; I “canceled” him 10 years ago.

  3. Hannity is a blowhard who’s in love with his own voice, is rude to his guests, exhibits consistently bad judgment, and is actually quite stupid.o wa

    It isn’t that he’s not a reason to watch Fox,
    he’s a reason not to watch Fox.


    Unrelated testing; I’m curious to see what appears below, if anything:

    &#127482&#127475&#127464&#127473🇪 &nbsp&#127462🇱

  4. OT
    Also, listen in on the little Newsmax link/screen in the upper right of your computer screen. They have some FBI whistle blowers testifying and the Republicans are really going after FBI/DOJ. Nothing will probably come out of it, but it’s pretty interesting.

  5. I gave up on Hannity after the Tic Toc phase. His radio show was always better than his TV show, at least there the guests could get a word in edgewise…

    I will give him credit for helping me realize what a great and total sham our “Just Us” system is, not because of his insights but because of his years of false promises.

    He is a shill dressed as a conservative, and this panic inspired shakeup will fail.

    Fox and CNN need to die.

  6. Hannity was one of the so-called conservatives that constantly said things such as: “Now I got the shot, but I’m not a doctor so I’m not gonna give advice. But, I got the shot and I did my research and I believe it’s safe and effective.”
    If I remember right, he also said things like: “Now I think Obama is a great father and husband, so I’m not saying anything about him personally”

  7. Sean Hannity is a fraudulent little NWO toady who showed his true colors when he turned full COVID coward and demanded to use the full force of state, local, and Federal goverments to deny his own neighbors access to their property in the building he shared with them because he was ascared of the Coof.

    He further showed his true yellow colors by surrendering immediately to the Pedo fraud and did and is still doing everything he can to legitimize that illegitimate regime even as he fakes opposition to it.

    I haven’t listened to his “Bombshells”, his interrupting guests to ensure the globalist message overtops whatever they say, or his braggadocio about the black belt mill that pretends like he can actually kick some ass when we all know he will hide behind employees of Leviathan any time he feels threatened in any way, since he literally demonstrated he can’t even stand up to a sneeze.

    Fuck that guy right in the ear.

    And fuck Fox. They are forever dead to me.

  8. The only reason Hannity has any kind of audience is because he is on Fox, but he is not a reason to watch Fox. He probably was the show that was on when people cleaned up after dinner and left the TV on.

    Now that they fired Tucker, people are avoiding Fox all together. I like Waters. I like watching clips from Gutfeld’s show. However, I don’t even watch YouTube videos posted by Fox now. It would be interesting to look at how Fox has taken a hit on YouTube.

  9. Sean “Taekwondookie” Hannity….
    His guests can’t get a word in without interruption….
    He’s such a bad ass and It’s all about meeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  10. Somewhat unrelated but with what we’ve heard about the new Twitter CEO, I’m hoping that Tucker hasn’t signed on the dotted line yet. If not, he’s going to be muzzled.

  11. I tuned out FoxNews quite awhile ago. If something tragically important is happening I might switch it on live. Hannity is, I don’t know, a robot with one program on repeat. I’m so over broadcast TV and talk radio lately. Until someone of substance on the Left gets arrested for the obvious crimes they’ve committed I’ll get my news blurbs from Twitter and righty websites.

  12. Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.
    Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye.

    He’s got style, a groovy style,
    and a car that just won’t stop.
    When the going gets rough, he’s super tough,
    with a Hong Kong Phooey chop (Hi-Ya!)

    Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.
    Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye.

    Hong Kong Phooey, fan-riffic (gong!)

  13. Sean had more in common with the late Alan Colmes than he does with any of us, or “conservatives” in general.

    I haven’t watched Fox in over ten years; used to catch clips of Tucker and Gutfeld on Youtube. Now I don’t bother watching Gutfeld; no clicks for Fox.

  14. grayjohn – Fox, the death rattle is coming.

    And not just because they “fired” Tucker, but because the owner/management team that makes the decisions is still there large and in charge. Compared to Ailes, Murdoch or his kid couldn’t pour the piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel!

  15. When all you do is shuffle things around in time slots it does not show acumen.
    It shows desperation trying to blindly do something in hopes that you can hit on a winner.
    Ahhhhhhhhh……. NOPE!

  16. I’m thinking Fox News shot themselves in both feet.
    Corporate Media news is not where to get any news except maybe traffic. The internet pretty much gets to the truth without as much interference. This by the way is something the elite have been working on beginning in 1999 with the work on Facebook 1.0, trying to control narrative or stop the flow of true information on the internet.

  17. Fox News is dead to me…has been since that fateful night in November of 2020 when they called Arizona for the fraudulent commander in chief 🤬 that sits in his own feces 💩 in the White House 😩

  18. Hannity has been mailing it in since the turn of the century .. and has been living off his “New York Tough Mick” routine for about the same amount of time

  19. I may not be as hard on him as most here, but in the last five years hes been driving me into a stupor with his practiced mannerisms and his droning monotone. My biggest criticism was “He doesnt move the needle by even a fraction of a millimeter.”

  20. @Nico .. You nailed it. Perhaps the the worst thing about Hannity is that he buys the basic premise of the Left and then works to lessen the damage

    So, the George Floyd case wasnt an obvious total fraud from the first. No, it was in fact the case of a bad cop .. but there are always bad apples who are racist. You cant blame ALL cops. I know, my Dad was a cop in NYC

    No dumbshit, there was nothing wrong with what the cop. And your first clue was he was staring right into phonecams all thru the episode.

    Now why would a 20 year veteran be blase if he was actually kneeling on the carotid artery of a handcuffed black man. And if he is super racist how does he manage a 20 year career in one of the most leftist cities on the planet. I was asking myself these questions about a minute into the breaking story

  21. Great, now we get to hear his foreve3r tales of him wallpapering, painting and roofing for a living before hitting the big time air waves. Look at me, you can do it too. Then he acts like his parents were big time law enforcement agents. All they were were jail bird guards. But Hannity has to make it appear otherwise.

  22. Hannity isn’t awful, but he pales in comparison to Tucker. Tucker is a great monologist, and a good interviewer. Hannity ends up mediocre at both roles. He should ask guests his questions without the endless opinion lead-ins and interruptions.

  23. Goldenfoxx: You forgot the endless martial arts training repast loop Hannity is on.
    Hannity is on the radio after Clay and Buck so I hear him briefly sometimes before I turn the radio off. I live out here where the radio waves don’t run.

  24. Hannity is in Ukraine’s corner and cows to the Biden Admin, repeating the lies of all those ass-suckers in the other media.

    What’s he good for? Nuthin. Might as well watch CNN.

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