Fox News Pulls Judge Napolitano Off Air Due To Prior Comments on UK Trump Surveillance – IOTW Report

Fox News Pulls Judge Napolitano Off Air Due To Prior Comments on UK Trump Surveillance

Conservative Treehouse:  

Apparently Rupert Murdoch has taken action against Judge Andrew Napolitano as an outcome of his broadcast report on British Intelligence coordinating surveillance activity with the NSA – Backstory HERE –  A few weeks earlier Napolitano was on Fox Business News saying President Trump was the first president to confront The Deep State.

Then again, Murdoch’s motive couldn’t be THIS TRANSPARENT could it?

…Earlier this month, Mr Murdoch’s company formally notified the European Commission that it is bidding nearly £12bn for the European pay-TV company. [aka British SKY TV]


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10 Comments on Fox News Pulls Judge Napolitano Off Air Due To Prior Comments on UK Trump Surveillance

  1. I like Napolitano but he’s made big pronouncements before that fell flat. I think he said his sources told him Hillary would be indicted back in July.

    On the other hand, why would wiretapping Trump (in any form) be the only law Obama wouldn’t break any way he could when he already wiretapped reporters and heads of state?

  2. I remember seeing something on the relationship our NSA has with the agencies in other English speaking nation’s that basically agree with Judge Nap’s basic premise.

    That our intelligence agency can go to another that shares in tapping into the stream of international communication’s systems and can request what ever they want, without a warrant or anyone else ever knowing about it here.

    I believe this is the episode and it looks like they are running part II this week.

  3. Read very carefully the first comment to the Conservative Treehouse section (linked above) reposted by “Dora”. This information made the rounds before and then got buried. Based on what I’ve read about the intel community and the Brit/US connection, it makes a helluva lot of sense. I also trust Rupert Murdoch as far as I can pick up my house and throw it! BTW – Dr Tar is on the money. AND – get any of James Bamford’s books on the NSA. Screenwriters and novel writers portray the NSA as a bunch of Men-In-Black running around with MAC-10s and H&K submachine guns. I believe they’re a lot more insidious than that!!

  4. Rupert Murdoch & Fox News has no need for real facts, Rupert never has. Consider his first newspapers – Adelaide [city] South Australia [SA state, a Murdoch newspaper monopoly state] – Ask Rupert what he knows of the fake news, fake archives of what he’s published, the crimes concealed & the damage done. The US FBI should investigate US citizen Murdoch’s corruption of foreign governments. Some details of the fake newspapers archives [& their purpose] can be viewed at that includes media releases fo Australia’s financial reporting law enforcement authority [ASC since renamed ASIC] for which the news articles published reporting have been erased/deleted from public records sold by Aust. public libraries as archives [also exported to British Libraries UK London] – sadly this is not a hoax. Ask Rupert.

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