Fox News Rolls Out Its Newest Contributor – IOTW Report

Fox News Rolls Out Its Newest Contributor

Not all of Obama’s flunkies are going to be unemployed. Former State Department Spokesperson, Marie Harf , has joined the Fox News team as a contributor.


I wonder where Harf’s wonder twin of foreign  policy, Jen Psaki will wash up?

40 Comments on Fox News Rolls Out Its Newest Contributor

  1. Nice mix with bethel, shepard smith, jaun Williams.
    Not to mention the liberal producers, production staff and writers. I suppose al sharpton will be hired next, you know for fair and balanced reporting.

  2. Really? Fox? Really? Please let that be the end of hiring from the past administration. Thinking about it there are worse to consider…like…Mooch…ValJar…Hildebeast…Scary Reed…

  3. I just looked at a couple of her TV appearances. She is 34, she said the soldiers who served with Bergdahl didn’t know what they were talking about when they said Bergdahl walked away. Plus she has a cartoon character voice. Hiring this know-nothing obama worshiper, Fox is shooting themselves in the head, twice.

  4. Trash figured it out.

    Either that, or they hired her so she wouldn’t be unemployed and have to join ISIS.

    Snowflakes now have their voice on Fox News, complete with eyewear needed to make the dumb look intelligent.

  5. This helps in my decision whether I’ll ever watch FOX again, or spend $$$ on products from their sponsors. I would not trust this stupid idiot to do a Starbucks run with 4 different coffee orders.

  6. I remain stunned and dumbfounded by this. This harf moron is one of the biggest idiots I’ve seen in the fud gubmint in the past 10 years. I would not assign her to pick up someone at the airport. I would not put her in charge of organizing anything. I would not trust her with anything involving arithmetic. FOX news friggin hires her as someone they think people want to listen to? It is mind boggling. I am going to cut my cable, between this and lady gag me ‘singing’ at the super bowl that is more than I care to tolerate.

  7. Don’t watch Fox anymore. In fact, we don’t watch ANY cable any more. Sick of subsidizing worthless lefty programs, pro homo shows, degeneracy, leftist propaganda, leftist lies, leftist spins. And then after complaining, we get a notice of rate increase! THAT set us off. Final straw? Colin Kaepernick. Honestly do not miss cable.

  8. Astonishing.
    Fox continues its one step forward- two steps back drift towards the Center Left.

    I wouldn’t trust her to read the Weather correctly.

    Fox should be riding The Trump Train to all new ratings and ad-rate highs.
    Instead they are racing to become an MSNBC clone.

    I’m ready for Breitbart TV.

  9. I ridiculed her before for her abject stupidity.

    The FOX idiot who hired her should be drawn and quartered.

    I stopped watching FOX a while back. Now I will never, ever return.

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