Fox News’ Tamara Holder Realizes It’s Not Too Late To Win the Stupidest Comment of the Year Award!!! – IOTW Report

Fox News’ Tamara Holder Realizes It’s Not Too Late To Win the Stupidest Comment of the Year Award!!!

“Why do we all have to suffer because a minority group of white men have to have their guns? Just saw a college kid in a wheelchair at Dave Matthews, the engine struggling through the sand. I wondered if he was a shooting victim. That’s the reality of our society.”

-Tamara Holder

There is so much wrong here.

-It’s white men, a “minority” of which, who “have to have” their guns. That is “the problem.”

-Dave Matthews.

-The engine struggling through the sand is the fault of white men.

-This dumb bint’s first thought when seeing someone in a wheelchair is that they were shot.

-And that’s the “reality” of our society.

The bint continued –

“Why don’t some people understand that this isn’t about the right to bear arms? This is about what one man’s gun can do to an entire community. Don’t you get it? The collateral damage is mind blowing. Go on now, go back to clinging to your arsenals.”

How come the logic of her argument doesn’t plug into the border argument?

It’s not racist to control the border. This is about what one illegal can do to an entire community. Don’t you get it? The collateral damage is mind blowing. Go on now, go back to clinging to your open borders. saw someone in a wheelchair. And your 1st thought is..”wonder if they got shot”. What planet are you from? Every injury is from a GSW?? Really?? And somehow we’re the ones not dealing in reality. Gotcha.
There was a guy in front of me at the grocery store. He had a slight limp. I wondered if he was a shooting victim. What kind of society is this? The horror!
Your thought process is right on. I was driving home recently and witnessed a car go careening into the ditch during a snowstorm. Naturally my first thought was “who shot the driver?!” It was an out of the ordinary occurrence so naturally it had to involve white men or guns.
US Population: 325.7 million people Gun Owners in the US: an estimated 100 million people of varying racial, ethnic, and religious groups. Nearly 1/3 of all Americans own guns, but yet, according to you, it’s “a minority group of white men.” You’re just wrong.
Why do responsible gun owners have to be stigmatized and harrassed by people who are afraid of inanimate objects and who don’t believe people have the right to protect themselves and their families?
I’ve been in a wheelchair my entire life & I think I speak for most people that are in wheelchairs when I say mind your own fucking business & we don’t want your fucking sympathy! & I carry my gun everywhere because it is my equalizer, quit trying to turn me into a victim
You make about as much sense as trying to smell the color nine.
You took 2 + mustard and came up with Thursday. That’s about how much sense your tweet made.
The reality of the situation is he was probably paralyzed when someone who is self obsessed like you was taking a snapchat selfie and hit his vehicle.
So what your saying is your ideological thinking has taken over so much of your life it has taken over your subconscious as well. If that is the case maybe you shouldn’t be making decisions for other people.
The first thing I would have wondered was “does he need help?” Then I would have offered to help.
I saw a man at the supermarket who looked sad. I wondered if his daughter was murdered by an illegal who was set free 7 times by a sanctuary city.

32 Comments on Fox News’ Tamara Holder Realizes It’s Not Too Late To Win the Stupidest Comment of the Year Award!!!

  1. Khunt, cuunt, cunnt Kunnt, CUNTT, cunttt, c*nt, kunt, kuunt, Khuunt,
    Cunt, Kunntt, Khunt, cuunt, cunnt Kunnt, CUNTT, cunttt, c*nt, kunt,
    cuunt, cunnt Kunnt, CUNTT, cunttt, c*nt, kunt, kuunt, Khuunt, cuunt
    Cunt, Cunntt, Khunt, cunttt, c*nt, kunt, kuunt, Khuunt, cuunt, cunnt

  2. This is a variation on the lefty journo whose 5 year-old kid comes to him with tears in his eyes, wondering why Trump’s neo-isolationism caused him to bring chaos to the world by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans-Pacific Partenership.

  3. I’m white. I’m proud. I have a few guns.
    Remember that they hate you and want you, and yours, dead.
    TINVOWOOT. Trump provided some breathing room, maybe.
    Take advantage of it.
    What have you done today to prepare?

  4. Far too many not so bright broads on television, FOX is no exception.
    Holder “makes about as much sense as trying to smell the color nine.” Love it.
    FOX is conning from starboard to port.

  5. And the elitist media once again proves they are brainwashed beyond the ability to think. It’s long past time to cut the cord, it’s all government sponsored propaganda, always has been, always will be.
    As for that ignorant whore, go back to what you’re good at, going down on senior executives.

  6. @Thirdtwin December 30, 2018 at 11:25 am

    > This is a variation on the lefty journo whose 5 year-old kid comes to him with tears in his eyes

    Are you saying you don’t think journalists really are as smart as five year olds?

  7. @Anonymous December 30, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    > Tamara Holder should see pictures of mass graves and piles of bodies killed by tyrannical governments. Then she’ll really have something to feel sorry about.


  8. “-It’s white men, a “minority” of which, who “have to have” their guns. That is “the problem.””

    Nope. STILL got it wrong!

    The “PROBLEM” is… what is this dingbat DOING, being ALLOWED to open her mouth on TV?! UNLESS it’s a cooking show, and she’s then allowed to say – “Your sammich is up!”

    And that is the SUM total, that ANYONE should ever HAFTA be subjected, to hearing her say.

  9. The Declaration says we have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The high distort says “Only after your born”.
    The Founding Fathers could not eve contemplate such barbarity,

  10. I’ve seen this woman a few times on Fox and she is uniformly stupid. Fox does have the habit of hiring some terrific looking women but they have to be ferociously smart so I have to wonder what’s the story with this one. She’s either sleeping with a high level Fox exec (one of the sons maybe although the daughter could be in the running), she’s actually one of the family from a very quiet affair with a chambermaid or coffee girl or she has pics of Old Man Murdoch with a donkey. Then again I guess she could be an affirmative action hire to fill out the mentally challenged quota.

  11. Irate Nate –

    On the occasions I ‘watch’ doesn’t mean I’m listening.

    I like watching Michelle Malkin, Harris Faulkner, Lara Ingraham, Kat Timpf, and Judge Jeanine.

    If I had to listen to the others, I’d be chunking bricks at the TeeVee.

  12. Yes not that anonymous, many were shot with guns because their government rulers made it illegal for citizens to own guns so the citizens had no guns to fight the government that had the guns.
    It’s not that hard to understand why the Founding Fathers included the 2ND Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The right to self defense, whether against some one assaulting you or against a tyrannical government, is a natural right, whether you believe it to be God given or not.

  13. By her logic, an attractive white female has never needed nor wants a gun. Attractive white females want open borders and they welcome illegals into their homes with unlocked doors. Not one attractive white female has ever even thought about owning a gun, especially after countless of peaceful muslims and mexicans and guatemalans and hondourans stroll through her home and drop off gifts of love for her.

  14. There are what, maybe 5,000 “journOlists” in the country.
    And about 20 of them are conservative.
    With about five of those at Fox.
    And those five are enough to get Fox News labeled as Conservative.

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