Fox News’ “The Five” Moving Back To New York, Leaving Juan Williams In D.C. – IOTW Report

Fox News’ “The Five” Moving Back To New York, Leaving Juan Williams In D.C.

Red State

Fox News’ The Five just lost a major personality. Juan Williams, who was one of the longest-serving hosts on the show, having been there seven years, will be leaving the show immediately. More

24 Comments on Fox News’ “The Five” Moving Back To New York, Leaving Juan Williams In D.C.

  1. “I will be working for Fox out of Washington. My work as a Fox News political analyst will continue.”

    Of course, the Murdocks align more politically Williams anyway.

    The last time I watched The Five Bob Beckel was the resident punching bag. Sure he was drunk half the time, dopey but fun.

    It is an inexplicable mystery to me why clowns like Williams and Geraldo still get air time. Quota hires is all I think of. That, of they have some bootleg photo’s of Rupert on all fours with Shep hanging out of the back of him.

  2. “…devoting all my future time to investigating which nursing home for dementia patients will be the best for Joe and I. Some things take precedence over career.”

  3. I never agreed with Juan’s politics, but he was a good foil for the middle or conservative voices.

    I think he was a good alternative to others, but at least he was consistent and had a thoughtful opinion, at least as thoughtful as the left can be.

    Do I agree with him? No. But I do not want to fall in the hole of just listening to those that I agree with. There are other liberals that I listen to as well. I do not want to be in a bubble of only seeing / watching those who are of a like mind

  4. The guy always seemed to be a setup, he almost always had something to say that went against the majority of the others. It never failed that he would counter what seemed common sense. I think they wanted an opposing view for balancing the show.

  5. We quit watching The Five in part because of Juan. His picture is in the dictionary under “brain-dead, talking point spouting leftist”. The man has absolutely zero critical thinking skills, he just blindly spouts what he’s told to say by his posse. I had been telling my wife for a few years that I was going to quit recording the show for later viewing because I couldn’t deal with Juan anymore.

    When Fox went over to the dark side last November that sealed the deal. No Fox, no Juan.

  6. May I suggest Leslie Marshall for Juan’s replacement. After the ass-kicking she got on “Outnumbered” today by Harris Faulkner, She’d be the perfect candidate.

  7. It always amazed me that someone who’s family escaped a commie country would be such a commie.
    Can’t stand him or Dana “I know the Bushes” Perino.
    Haven’t watched for a couple of yrs.

  8. Good riddance to this POS. I welcome debate but honest debate. This clown is an out and out liar. According to Williams Donald Trump never did one thing right and O’Bama never did anything wrong. He says last summers riots are mainly a myth. How many people does it take to ruin a good news show? Just Juan.

  9. Dont worry there is always some left wing drunk ready for rehabilitation: Laurie Dhue , Shepard Smith and many many others waiting at what used to be upper west side George Martins or some other inspot watering hole in that hole call NYC

  10. Thank God, he was so tedious and delusional.

    Always trying to play a reasonable nice guy with a constant barrage of lies and straw man arguments trying to defend the indefensible.

    He made The Five unwatchable. They must gave finally figured that out.

  11. To be honest, I am totally sick of Fair and Balanced. The Liberals/Commies are unfair, unbalanced and contribute Zero to any discussion.
    If the Five has five Conservatives, from luke-warm to fire-brand, that is totally fine by me.

  12. Major personality?!? In what world is this douche nozzle a major personality? If you polled 100 people I’d be shocked if 2 of them even knew who he was. Good riddance but I’m still not watching The 5.

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