Fox News To Add Gutfeld To Nightly Schedule – IOTW Report

Fox News To Add Gutfeld To Nightly Schedule

Daily Caller

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld’s program “The Greg Gutfeld Show” is expanding into a weeknight schedule, according to an announcement from the media company.

“The Greg Gutfeld Show” currently airs in the Saturday primetime lineup but will be moving to the weeknights because of its “incredible success,” Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott said according to a press release. The move will happen in the second quarter of 2021 and Gutfeld’s weeknight show will air at 11 p.m.

“People need a reason to laugh. Greg’s unique and irreverent talk show has been an incredible success, often beating the late night broadcast competition, despite its Saturday timeslot,” Scott said regarding the move.  More

23 Comments on Fox News To Add Gutfeld To Nightly Schedule

  1. Please come back, forget that we hate you filthy conservatives. We will placate you with socially acceptable dialogue, as we prop up the corporate narrative, and donate to every possible Neo-liberal anti American politician and issue with your money.

  2. Need to reboot the ‘RedEye’ style and cast, but that’s not going to happen.
    cast that is.
    so just give me that style and content and the cast will follow.
    right greg!

  3. Remember: that cocksucker rino Paul Ryan is on the board of directors of Fox. They’ll tease us with shows like this, but fuck us in the end by distracting us while they help destroy the nation.

  4. I am supporting Fox.
    There are no other major networks on our side.
    They eliminated Stiarwalt.
    If they can eliminate Hack Wallace they would have a decent lineup.

  5. Prior to ditching Fox, we recorded The Five, Gutfeld and Watters’ shows (my wife, I think, had a bit of a crush on Jesse) as well as Levin. I’ve gotten my news from the Internet for years.

    I quit recording them all after the election night BS they pulled. I had been threatening to quit recording The Five for several years because I had reached my limit on Juan as well as they sometimes had on Donna Brazile and Marie Harf, who’s as dumb as a box of rocks but still smarter than Juan, and Geraldo, who I think is bipolar because he’s almost a conservative one day and he’s a near full blown progressive the next.

    Anyway, my wife wanted Jesse and Greg to be recorded so I did so. We’re watching these shows and she’s acting like she’s disgusted about what’s being talked about. I ask her is she’s not happy listening to people that can’t speak their mind because they’re muffled by the network. Who are talking about things that are not current, are not relevant to what’s happening now and then she understood why I quit recording. So that was that. No more.

    I still recorded Levin because I had enjoyed his subject matter, his guests and what was discussed. But I’ve dropped him now too because I have grown tired of listening to words, I crave action.

    We’re a Fox free household. IMO, if you’re watching it, you’re the frog in the pot of water being brought to a boil.

  6. My wife still likes to read the newspaper and was picking up the Naples Daily News every Sunday and sometimes weekdays too. She was not happy with the massive slant on the overwhelming majority of the articles. I finally convinced her to quit supporting “the enemy” with our money. She now gets The Epoch Times delivered and is very happy with what’s she’s reading.

    We’ve got to starve those that are doing us harm.

  7. We stopped watching Fox when they brought in Brazile, Harf and the other Clinton/ Obama cronies.
    We also can’t stand the phony Perino, Bushy for life.

    Nope. This move won’t help ratings but Gutfeld’s paycheck will be better.

  8. Has a Fox come down my driveway in broad daylight, one time. Figured it was ill.
    Shot it. Nine times. Sometimes that’s the best you can do for em.

    Somebody axt me, why you shoot it nine times? First shot just nicked her ear.
    The others were adjusted for range (1000 rnds for $110 back then).

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I used to suffer through The Five for his One More Thing Animals are Geat, but found I can just check out cute dog videos on YouTube without having to listen to Juan.
    I also liked the Tom Shalue Adam Schiff and Biden impersonations and some of his openings on the Saturday night show.
    He is just a snarky comedian and a little bit goes a long way.

  10. Fox has fired, neutered, muffled or flipped their talent and is now desperately flailing for viewers. It’s too late. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty back together again. Fox has screwed the pooch too many times. Maybe if Trump bought it, it could survive and thrive again.


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