Fox Picks Up ‘Last Man Standing’ – IOTW Report

Fox Picks Up ‘Last Man Standing’


Fox has made its final decision.

Tim Allen’s hit sitcom, “Last Man Standing” will make a rousing comeback, this time on a different network.

The previous six-season primetime show was abruptly cancelled for no apparent reason by ABC executives last year, which left the cast blindsided by the decision.

“Stunned and blindsided by the network I called home for the last six years,” Tim Allen tweeted right after it was cancelled.

But it looks like Fox was willing to take a gamble on the popular show. Tim Allen and the network announced its official decision to revive the series on Friday.

“Excited? Team LMS was in the sixth inning, ahead by four runs, stands were packed and then for no reason, they call off the game. It leaves you sitting in the dugout, holding a bat and puzzled. Now we get the news from Fox that it’s time to get back out on that diamond — hell yes, I’m excited!” Tim Allen said in a statement that broke the news on Friday. “When I heard the offer to create more episodes of Last Man Standing, I did a fist pump so hard I threw my back out. It’s the fans!”  more here

11 Comments on Fox Picks Up ‘Last Man Standing’

  1. Howdy, Neighbor
    Mailed VHS’s 91-92

    Heidi: . Does everybody know what time it is? Tool Time!
    Tim: . Thank you. Thank you everybody. Welcome to Tool Time. I am Tim The Toolman Taylor and you all know my assistant Hugh Hefty.
    Al: . All week long we’ve been showing you things that make men’s lives, ah, easier.
    Tim: . Yesterday was Wives with Laryngitis! But today is our Tool Time salute…
    Tim & Al: … to remote control.
    Al: . The first television was connected to the TV with a wire. It was invented in 1950.
    Tim: . Whoa, whoa. Al, my dad had a wireless remote control, it was voice activated, in 1950.
    Al: . Tim, that’s impossible.
    Tim: . No it’s not, it was called Mom.

    Wilson: Ohh!
    Tim: . Did I scare you Wilson?
    Wilson: . Well not you. It’s that remote control flying baked potato.
    Tim: . Well, the manufacturer says it looks like an alien spaceship. I think it looks like a big jiffy pop container and could look even more like a saucer.
    Wilson: . Yeah, yeah. Kind of an iridescent glow.
    Tim: . And have a low 440hz hum to it.
    Wilson: . Yeah, yeah, and twenty-six little diamond shaped windows all in a row.
    Tim: . What flying saucer are you talking about? The one on a Forbidden Plant or The Day The Earth Stood Still?
    Wilson: . Oh, I wasn’t talking about a movie.
    Tim: . I’m sorry Wilson. I understand completely what happened. Have you been inside shellacking all day? If you don’t get enough ventilation, it can really… Y’know. I do that, I think I’m Aquaman!

  2. Yea!! LMS is coming back!! One of the few good shows I’ll watch.
    The fact that a major network would axe a number one rated show in favor of promoting an agenda for the Left should tell people everything they need to know about ABC. That network just can’t suck enough for putting politics and pushing propaganda ahead of ratings.
    That goes for you too NBC & CBS!!
    Thank you FOX!

  3. Y’know… I think Congress needs to investigate the finances of the Networks. Dropping LMS in spite of being the number one rated show screams that ratings mean nothing – –
    – or they simply wouldn’t have done it – period.
    If the ratings don’t mean anything, then that means advertising isn’t paying the freight.
    The next logical question is WHO IS funding them?
    Who is funding their obviously biased “news”?
    Who is funding the Leftist push to influence public opinion?
    The Public Airwaves are not to be used in this fashion.
    That’s what we really need to get to the bottom of!

  4. I love this show. I watch the reruns on CMT. I hope they replace the fat actress who plays the eldest daughter. She looks as old as the mother and she delivers all of her lines in the snottiest tone of voice that makes me wonder how she doesn’t get backhanded on the regular.

  5. Heard great things about the show but never watched it. Am DVD’ing the marathon of WGN America cable today to get a taste of it. If it’s anything like “Home Improvement”, I’M THERE!!!

  6. Love “Last Man Standing”. I’ve got all the DVDs. Can’t wait for the new episodes. Thanks to the success of Rosanne Barr’s show and her being a lib Trump supporter, Hollyweird can’t deny conservative America back shows which they can relate. Money talks.


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