‘FOXit is real and it’s spectacular’ – IOTW Report

‘FOXit is real and it’s spectacular’

46 Comments on ‘FOXit is real and it’s spectacular’

  1. I heard about them hiring the crisis management team and was wondering why? ALL they had to do was listen to their audience–get rid of Chris Wallace, Stirewalt, Juan Williams, Jedidiah (because she can’t be bothered to actually show up to work), Kennedy, Sandra Smith, etc. etc.

    I am aware that they hired them for show and really won’t change.

  2. They cater to the conservative audience then turn their coats against them and didn’t expect it?

    Now they have to try to figure out what to de retroactively?

    I suppose returning to being a true conservative voice in the Leftist oriented mainstream news will never occur to them, whoever’s running things now just won’t understand that concept.

  3. The only thing that amazes me is that it took this to finally wake people up. I realized FOX News was only pretending to be a conservative news outlet many years ago. They are and always have been run by the Uniparty (wealthy globalists who care not about average Americans).

  4. I listened to Crowder’s show from Monday and he and his team discussed how Fox did not cover the Hunter laptop story except with their conservative personalities. That was news to me, I assumed their daytime programs had covered it at or at least mentioned it. I left Fox at least a decade ago although as of the last few months we had been recording Tucker. I deleted that recording after last week. It wasn’t just last Tuesday – it has been everything about Fox, their Washington DC beltway ‘unbiased’ newscasters like Baier and Cavuto, the crazy fake suppression polls, Donna Brazil allowed to tell people to go to hell and all the other nuts like her. But when you outwardly interfere with a free election in the middle of a state voting and gloat you did it (a Biden win) – you are an enemy of the people and country. I hope everyone stays the course and don’t wander back. People should remember if Cavuto won’t let you see the WH press secretary or discuss documented election fraud you aren’t watching news, you are watching a state propaganda network.

  5. There is no news on the news, only crap sandwiches that they tell everyone how great they taste.
    Most of these people know that they helped cheat out 10 million votes for Trump, but they don’t care.
    When Trump wins and the losers riot and burn I hope their buildings goes first. They are still hated by the rest of the left.

  6. Sorry but FOX IS FOREVER DEAD to me. Even NO to Tucker and Jeanine etc. I REFUSE to feed the beast….PERIOD.
    I want Fox to SHRIVEL UP AND DIE.
    Been watching NEWSMAX and OAN and JUST got a Parler account!

  7. DaveVA November 12, 2020 at 9:14 am

    A ‘Crisis Mgt Team’?? What a loser initiative. Fire Neil first


    Trump will start a news network that will out do all news networks. I sure hope if he does, that he spends time releasing Humper’s laptop pics, emails, etc. Make every life a living hell who made Trump’s life a living hell for 4 years. Release all documents for the public to see.

    Xmas is coming up, making a list and checking it twice. 🙂

  8. Years ago, whenever Fox would run a story about anything Iran nuclear, they would always run a stock video of Arabs working in a foundry, pouring molten metal. Every. Fucking. Time.

    I could never understand the relationship between pouring metal and refining bomb-grade fissionable material.

    After a couple months of seeing this play out almost daily, it struck me: Fox has never given a shit about news. Fox is a charade, spouting whatever the other propagandists are spewing, far too lazy in fact collection, reporting, and production quality to ever be considered a viable news source.

    May Fox’s impending death by distemper be painful and permanent.

  9. I shit canned them when they hired donna brasile
    how do people tolerate that sort of thing?
    They literally hire one of the people that cheated in the last election and she then lies to the public, telling them there is no cheating going on.
    they’re actors, reading scripts.

  10. The mantra has always been “shoot the traitors first!” I have listened in to Fox and they still deny their part in the coup against Trump. Hannity, Carlson, Ingram et.al. pretend like nothing happened. They are liars and traitors and should never ever be trusted again.

    The only way to hurt the owners and members of the board of Fox is to hit them as hard as we can in their pocket book. The others on the show will be regrettable collateral damage just like they thought about us when they tried to destroy Trump.

    Also keep this in mind: Danny O’Brien who works for Fox was Biden’s former chief of staff. You can’t make this shit up.

  11. The owners of FNC appear to have never heard the story about the fellow that was given a daily supply of golden eggs before its owner, who thought himself to be very smart guy, stupidly thought he could increase his wealth faster by killing the bird that laid the eggs.

    However, the owners may have not heard this relatively new tale. It has only been told for a short time only 2,600 years or so.

    Marie Harf and Jessica Tarlov are two more FNC regulars that trigger a rapid exit not to be left off the list of yuck. Who the heck thought it a good idea to hire those dimwits?

  12. I gave up watching everything after Fox & Friends a few years ago bc I kept taking out my anger at Juan Williams et al on my kids. Down to just the morning crew bc at least I could hear the stories with a smile and Bartiromo on Sunday bc it was the only Sunday show worth anything. Turned it off last Tuesday and I think we may just cut if DirectTv bc our contract is up. Kids don’t even remember what station the kids shows are in. Addicted to Steve Bannon and Dan Bongino now. Our habits have changed.

  13. Saxindacity,
    Instead of starting a whole new news network, move Tucker & Hannity over to OAN or NewsMax.
    The rest of them can sink on their own, or go back to CNN and MSNBC.

  14. I am going to go against the grain here a bit.

    Tucker, Hannity, & Ingraham gave us the truth every chance they had. They were and are employees, who had no choice but to occasionally be forced to deal with enemies of the state in the guise of Journos. None of those three are lacking for money or integrity.

    The MSM has, and both parties have had it in for Trump since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower, day in, day out.

    And day in, Day out, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham have stood up for the President , and the truth, each and every day they were on.

    I truly believe Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham, should be put forward for the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the New Year, upholding the flame of Freedom, and allegiance to the only real constitution the world has ever seen.

    The constitution admittedly needs a bit of fine tuning , like 2 term limits , and no ability move to the Senate afterwards, and only live, in person ID holding citizens at the polling booths, with equal numbers of registered party members doing any counting necessary.

    Nobody cares about elite rich owners of FOX.

    But the Pressure on these three, as well as the President, is something only a finely tuned military veteran could usually handle.

    Tell the powers that be, that Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham, need to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, as standard bearers of FREEDOM, to set an example for our children and grandchildren, and those after them.

    To these three, money is not everything.


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