France: Life Insurance Company Denies Claim of Vax Victim Since Jab is Experimental – IOTW Report

France: Life Insurance Company Denies Claim of Vax Victim Since Jab is Experimental

Liberty Loft:
NEW YORK — A legal ruling from France highlights the rampant corruption surrounding the COVID-19 tyranny and so-called “vaccines.”

Readers may recall the story earlier this month of alarming data from an Indianapolis insurance company which points to a strong correlation between the introduction of the experimental jabs and a never before seen rise in deaths. Despite that clear correlation, that company’s CEO blamed the unvaxxed and said rates will be going up on companies with unvaxxed workforces.

The lawsuit in France, as reported by Free West Media, again deals with life insurance companies.

A wealthy businessman had a multi-million dollar life insurance policy for his family, and after he passed away the insurance company refused to pay. The man submitted to a shot and was confirmed to have dies from the shot.

The hitch is that on all levels, including legal, the shots are experimental. The insurance company stated the policy clearly states that deaths from experimental medicine are the same as suicide, and it doesn’t need to pay out.

“The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published and the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine,” a court ruling stated. “There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.” more

17 Comments on France: Life Insurance Company Denies Claim of Vax Victim Since Jab is Experimental

  1. If we are all in this together, like Old Crazy joe constantly says, then why are the big Pharma Companies allowed to rake in billions of dollars of profit instead of providing a necessary public service at cost?

  2. Different Tim, worth about a kick in the pants. See any problems, any problems at all, a blood transfusion tain’t gonna fix it. In a few years, your think’n too far ahead, we’re makin our rounds.

  3. You cant recover from an insurance company for a vaccine injury, but they’ll raise your rates if you dont take it, even though it does nothing

    Something’s gonna give

  4. OMG… What goddamn cocksuckers. Mandate vaccines… Deny life insurance benefits to those who die of it. Someone deserves to be dragged out of their ivory tower and beaten to death for that right there. Goddamn.

  5. Insurance… if you get cancer and fail to use up every option including all your health insurance, bankrupting yourself in the process, life won’t pay. When life does pay, the money goes first to the medical bills. Any mandate for the shot less than a penal liability is not enough to stand. Job? You don’t have to work there. Retail establishments? You don’t have to buy there.

    Our government must be changed.

  6. (Calls insurance company)

    Hello. My husband just passed and I need his insurance that we’ve paid on faithfully for the last 15 years to be able to inter him. I also have no means of support because I’m now raising our school-age children alone, and the mortgage is due.

    Insurance Agent:
    I’m sorry for your loss. Let me look at your policy and the death certificate that was faxed to me.
    (reads) It says here he dies of an allergic reaction to a COVID virus?

    That’s correct.

    Insurance Agent:
    I’m sorry ma’am, but your policy clearly terminates coverage in the event an experimental medicine is used on page 40, paragraph 13, subsection (c). Because of this, we are unable to pay your claim.
    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    (shocked silence, then, weeping)
    But…but I have nothing else! I was COUNTING on this! I cannot even BURY my husband without this! And what of my CHILDREN? My HOUSE? My LIFE?

    Insurance Agent:
    Ma’am, we here would love to help you out, but the policy is clear and there is nothing I can do. So, if there’s nothing else, have a nice day and thank you for calling BigSurance.

    (hangs up)

  7. (Calls insurance company)

    Hello. My husband just passed and I need his insurance that we’ve paid on faithfully for the last 15 years to be able to inter him. I also have no means of support because I’m now raising our school-age children alone, and the mortgage is due.

    Insurance Agent:
    I’m sorry for your loss. Let me look at your policy and the death certificate that was faxed to me.
    (reads) It says here he dies of an allergic reaction to a COVID virus?

    That’s correct.

    Insurance Agent:
    I’m sorry ma’am, but your policy clearly terminates coverage in the event an experimental medicine is used on page 40, paragraph 13, subsection (c). Because of this, we are unable to pay your claim.
    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    (shocked silence, then, weeping)
    But…but I have nothing else! I was COUNTING on this! I cannot even BURY my husband without this! And what of my CHILDREN? My HOUSE? My LIFE?

    Insurance Agent:
    Ma’am, we here would love to help you out, but the policy is clear and there is nothing I can do. So, if there’s nothing else, have a nice day and thank you for calling BigSurance.

    (hangs up)

  8. …that said, this may come out differently here. Based on what I’ve seen where pathologists are coming forwards and saying death certificates are not being honest about vaccine deaths, and given my OWN little limited investigation into what I think was one (that I chronicled on another thread here) and reading THAT death certificate, I would say that the various coroners are conspiring like good little Democrats (remember, THEY are elected officials, TOO) to keep the TRUE dangers of the Jab under wraps and keep the narrative going for as long as possible, maybe until the peasants are too sick or dead to do anything about it.

    Also, the American insurance companies may be fully onboard with the narrative as well. Remember, Obamacare gave THEM access to lots and lots of insurance money, and unless they play ball with Government, the Government that giveth can be the Government that taketh away, and that INCLUDES their liceneses to sell insurance in the FIRST place…

  9. Boom. Done.

    That right there constitutes a severe civil rights violations in as much as it is a violation of ANY person’s rights as a human being to force them, which is what mandate is, to participate in a medical experiment. Even to coerce them is strictly verboten. Mandating a person take an experimental drug is by definition participating in a medical experiment. The collusion between Big Pharma, Big Tech, government and the media has made all the protections from liability a moot point and what is more the Trial Lawyers have the politicians from both Parties in their pockets.

  10. This is what I have been posting about for the last couple months and the importance of it. The Party (Republicans and Democrats) have boxed themselves into a fucking hornet’s nest and the hornets are the deepest pockets that bribe them to act against the interests of the American people. What I recognized and the fucking morons didn’t is that the ones doing the bribing have competing interests and they are all immoral pieces of shit that will stop at nothing to advance their own interests.

    Let me make it perfectly clear to anyone who is still in the dark: The ONLY interest the Trial Lawyers have in victims is how they can be exploited to advance the Trial Lawyers interests. The concerned faces and compassional aura they present on their television commercials are all the epitome of horseshitting horseshitters horseshitting the victims into believing the horseshitter really gives a flying fuck about their suffering.

    Fortunately for the victims, in order to make themselves fabulously wealthy, the horseshitters don’t get paid unless the gullible get paid.

    Do you think the Trial Lawyers are going to not pull out all of the stops to get “their fair share?” Not a chance in hell.

    What is going to happen is alliances of hugely influential “donors” are going to form alliances and all hell is about to break loose. These are particularity nasty and avaricious bastards and they will stop at nothing.

    It is going to be a donnybrook of Biblical proportions and a fight to the death.

  11. Big Pharma has been too busy counting their ill gotten Billion$ to give what I recognized months ago due consideration and when there is going to be hell fire and brimstone raining down on them from Big Insurance and the Trial Lawyers soon. Big Insurance and the Trial Lawyers can match the political bribes and bought and paid for media dollar for dollar and when they launch their offensive it is going to set off a shit storm the likes of which the world has never seen.

  12. “deaths from experimental medicine are the same as suicide.” In hospital with the Rona, a doc asked why I hadn’t been vaccinated. “Hey doc, if the suicide jab works why doesn’t the suicide jab work?” Death glare time. “No suicide jab and you’re not going to kill me with Remdesivir either.” Debated 7 other doctors in 4 days. Not one of them had a clue.

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