France: No-Go Paris Suburbs Now Second-most Populated Department in Region – IOTW Report

France: No-Go Paris Suburbs Now Second-most Populated Department in Region

Breitbart: According to newly released statistics, the multicultural no-go suburbs of Paris have become the second-most populous department in the capital region as of January 1st, 2020.

The Seine-Saint-Denis department, which consists of several suburbs to the north of Paris, is second only to the French capital in the Île-de-France region in terms of population, with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) claiming there to be 1,630,133 inhabitants, Le Parisien reports.

In the last five years, the population of the department has increased by over five per cent, higher than the average in the region with the city of Paris losing 2.4 per cent of its population during the same period.

The commune of Saint-Denis has the most residents at 111,948 in total, followed by Montreuil and Aubervilliers which grew by 11.41 per cent in the last five years.

“The population is growing twice as fast as the regional average, thanks to a young population, economic development, and major housing construction programmes,” the INSEE suggested.

Seine-Saint-Denis is also well-known for having a large population of illegal migrants, with a 2018 report indicating that as many as 400,000 residents of the department were illegals. read more

12 Comments on France: No-Go Paris Suburbs Now Second-most Populated Department in Region

  1. “If the suburbs give rise to further and even more violent uprisings, we will have no way to face them: we lack the means, we lack the men. ”

    Yeah, they definitely lack men.

  2. “The population is growing twice as fast as the regional average, thanks to a young population, economic development, and major housing construction programmes,” the INSEE suggested.

    They forgot to say that the muzzie plan is to breed like rabbits and take over France by having a majority population. That’s a part of the plan every place they go.

  3. Ironically, St. Denis was a 3rd century bishop, beheaded by non-Christians while preaching.

    Not letting the pagans have the last word however, he picked up his head and walked several miles while finishing his sermon (so the legend goes), before collapsing atop a hill, on which have been built a successive series of shrines in his honor. This is the suburban Paris neighborhood which bears his name and was until recently a popular pilgrimage for Christians.

    He is considered the patron saint of the French people and is invoked against headaches …and long winded pastors.

  4. The Muzz are brought in to exterminate
    white people & western civilization.
    All by design.Glad I am 65 and on the
    down hill swing.These SOFT young people
    are going to have a tough row to hoe
    when coming times get HARD….

  5. “The population is growing twice as fast as the regional average, thanks to a young population, economic development, and major housing construction programmes,” the INSEE suggested.

    Talk about whistling past the graveyard.

  6. joe6pak – Does the name Oriana Fallaci ring a bell? She passed away in 2006, but left a legacy of calling a spade a spade. She wrote three books critical of Islamic extremists and Islam in general, and in both writing and interviews warned that Europe was “too tolerant of Muslims”. The first book was The Rage and the Pride (initially a four-page article in Corriere della Sera, the major national newspaper in Italy). She wrote that “sons of Allah breed like rats”. Almost two decades later we see how observant she was!

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