France: Truckers Block Calais To Demand Closure Of Migrant Camp – IOTW Report

France: Truckers Block Calais To Demand Closure Of Migrant Camp

Breitbart: Truckers, dock workers, farmers and residents of Calais have shut down main roads into the port town in Northern France, promising to continue the blockade until the French government begins to dismantle the illegal ‘Jungle’ migrant camp.

Police recently declared large areas of the town “no-go zone” after dark as migrant violence “peaked”. Cars and trucks have been attacked with chainsaws and knifes, with migrants deliberately causing crashes so they can board vehicles.

The population of the camp is now at 10,000, the highest since French authorities agreedto “demolish” parts of it six months ago, claiming their goal was to reduce the number of camp inhabitants to about 1,500.

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14 Comments on France: Truckers Block Calais To Demand Closure Of Migrant Camp

  1. This is starting to sound like a zombie infiltration.

    I’m reminded of the battle to keep Britain, the last zombie free zone, safe in series called ARISEN, by Michael Stephen Fuchs. Great series of 12 books, that I have started to equate with the ILLEGAL immigrate hordes.

  2. What Emperor Lazlo would do, is to take every male strong enough to heft a rifle and deport their asses.
    I will grant your women and children safety, and I will feed and provide for them.
    But any boy over 10 and any man under 70 can go back and either shift for themselves and fix their country, or they can live on a barge anchored 20 miles off shore because you ain’t bringing that Islamic Terrorism bullshit onto my Continent.

  3. Emperor Lazlo is much too benevolent.

    King MM is rounding every one of them up and dropping them off in Libya. Then I’ll start on the fuckers blocking the streets in Paris and the no-go zones in the burbs.

    Martel would laugh at my kindness for not executing them en masse but the next time…

  4. Bring in some Texas,Arkansas,South Carolina,Mississippi and ETC. good ole boy rednecks with AR-15 AK-47 & shot guns and kill every last one of them.People it is US against THEM.

  5. Emperor Burner declares they must all go back to where they came from, immediately, or be shot. The Emperor’s Guards will not take the time to behead them, as their brethren would.

  6. Mufti Muhammed’s pink swastika would immediately deport all of them unwashed and hungry to Saudi Arabia.
    Except for the lucky ones who would have the honor of joining my personal harem. (until they irritate me, and then deport them too.) Inshalla.

  7. Instead of driving trucks through the encampment (wasting petrol – that stuff ain’t cheap over there), or have the Gubberment handle it (pussies); get the truckers, and ALL their friends, double arm interval, double line, armed with axe handles, pick handles, baseball bats, cricket bats – to surround the encampment, and slow march into the middle, whacking at everything in front of them, no escapes, no gaps, no prisoners, only huddled, broken bodies.

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