Francis to Flock – “Shut Up and Pray” – IOTW Report

Francis to Flock – “Shut Up and Pray”


Pope Francis said Monday that to division and scandal the answer should be silence and prayer; and asked the Lord for the grace to discern when it is better to speak or to remain quiet.

“With people who do not have good will, with people who seek only scandal, who seek only division, who seek only destruction, even within families,” the answer is “silence. And prayer.”

“May the Lord give us the grace to discern when we must speak and when we must be silent. And [to do] in all of life: in work, at home, in society…” to become more closely imitators of Jesus Christ, he said during Mass at the Vatican’s Santa Marta guest house Sept. 3.

In his homily, Francis reflected on Jesus’ response to the people who, St. Luke recounts, were “filled with fury” at Jesus’ words in the synagogue.


ht/ jd hasty

Hey Francis. Christ didn’t die on the cross so that gay men could have a place to hide their homosexuality from their mothers and fathers, all the while being thought of as “divine.”  (In the holy sense, not the queer sense.)

The entire “priests CAN’T marry” bullcrap has no basis in Catholic dogma. It’s simply a device the church invented to lend cover to *gay men who sought refuge from their perversion. It was a convenient explanation as to why someone was a “confirmed bachelor.”

This vocation was like a moth to a flame, its “no marriage” policy attracting perverts that saw the added benefits of not only being around boys and men all the time, but having the veil of goodness shrouding them from suspicion as they diddled their way through life.

*Not all priests are gay, obviously. It’s unfortunate that while many priests legitimately consider marriage a distraction from their devotion to Christ, this philosophy has been exploited by men with an entirely different agenda.

The issue is, when the church found these perverts they covered for them, undercutting the truly devout.

If someone believes I am being disrespectful in this rant it is because the church has opened themselves up to this kind of legitimate criticism.



37 Comments on Francis to Flock – “Shut Up and Pray”

  1. In the old days, the Pope could tell his people to button their lips and it would work.
    Not anymore you fraud. Your flock is not amused by your tap dance and sudden eco-consciousness. Answer the charges and stop listening to CNN–they only love you because you hate Trump.

  2. If you see something, say something.
    THAT is why people are talking.

    “In his homily, Francis reflected on Jesus’ response to the people who, St. Luke recounts, were “filled with fury” at Jesus’ words in the synagogue.”


    It used to be just the people complaining. Now that it’s Catholics within the higher ups complaining, the pope is coming unglued.
    This pope is an ‘0bama’.
    Catholics better pray that they get themselves a ‘Trump’ in the near future. This pope is bullshit.
    feel bad for the Nuns.

  3. omertà + implied guilt = vatican style.
    He better do something about his problems (and they are his problems), or he will lose the respect and reverence for the church. Even now, there are 2 living popes. The catholic church is becoming a shambles.
    Most of their finances in the US probably come from government grants for resettling immigrants, most of which are illegally in this country.

  4. Frank needs a better crisis management consultant. The real answer is close your wallet and starve the church. Donate directly to charities and let the church figure this out the hard way.

  5. “…they only love you because you hate Trump.” Actually, more to the point, it is plain that this Pope is an anti-Christ. Jesus said, “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.” Clearly, the world loves this Francis creature as its own. Clearly, he is anti-Christ. Francis is concerned to spread evil in this world and diminish the Truth of Christ.

  6. That worked out real well for W didn’t it? He never defended himself, it made him a door mat.
    Jesus purchased our freedom of speech. Even Trump gets that and it makes him smarter than the Pope.

  7. Hey, Poopy Pope…there’s not much prestige in being the leader of a church with no members. Might be a good time to learn, and adhere to, your own doctrine. Catholic, not Marxist, that is.

  8. Please take the following in the spirit of charity that it is meant.

    Gospel of John

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with יהוה, and the Word was יהוה.
    2 The same was in the beginning with יהוה.
    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
    5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
    14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    Yahshuah is the Word of YHWH made flesh. As such, He (the Word) is perfect. He came to show us the very essence of Elohim, in everything that He did and said. For he came not to do His own will, but the will of He who sent Him. As the Word (Logos) of YHWH, NOTHING supersedes or changes His Word. Do not add to or take away from the Word. His Word stands forever, for there is no turning of shadows with Elohim. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen!

    As with the Sadducees and Pharisees, whom Yahshuah railed against calling them vipers and hypocrites, who nullify the Word of YHWH with the traditions of men, so it is today. Ecclesiastes 1:9 is clear that there is nothing new under the sun and that which has been done shall be done again. Here we are 2000 years later (almost) and I tell you true that those whom we count as our shepherds (the most learned) have once again negated YHWH’s Word with the erroneous interpretations and purposeful twisting of scripture.

    Both “churchianity” and the Roman “church” have been guilty of subverting YHWH’s Word for a very long time and we will know them by their fruits. Between the easy grace of churchianity and the works based salvation of Rome, both sects have those in the pews completely twisted in their understanding.

    Grace through faith in the work of Moshiach Yahshuah is the only way to the Father (John 14:6). The Old & New Testament (really all one Testament) tell us that if we Love (Grk: agape) Elohim, we should walk in the way He has defined for us. For the works of the Law never justified anyone, but those who were justified by YHWH’s grace (as Abraham) are want to do “works”, be fruitful (good works) by walkung in YHWH’s Teachings (Torah). He who walks in faith by grace, wielding the full armor of Elohim, shall not perish but receive everlasting life. Without that armor, we would be lost by relying solely on our own strength, goodness and intellect. How did that work out for the children of Yisrael? They were looking for a conquerer, but by the grace of YHWH, we received the lamb of Elohim! Whom, when he spoke the words “it is finished”, it was really Grk. Tetelestai or “paid in full”. The handbill of decrees (judgments) against us being nailed to the cross. Yes, he paid our due by the blood and suffering (3 hrs of darkness, separated from the Father) price for ALL whom the Father gave him.

    It is now far past time for all who confess Yahshuah as Lord and Savior to do as He commanded us (the will of YHWH), “If ye love me, keep my commandments”. One jot or tittle will in no wise pass from the law, until Heaven and Earth pass away. No one changes the Word, not Abraham, Moses, David, any prophet, not even Yahshuah. Yet men who created a hierarchy structure (which should not exist) in the assembly have done more to splinter us over the most ridiculous things. At best these organizations are in grave error and at worst they are anti-messiah.

    Know ye not that we were grafted into the House of YHWH, the vine, the olive tree. The cultivated vine (Yisrael) IS the body of Yahshuah and we gentiles (nations), possibly of the “lost” 10 tribes of Yisrael, which YHWH gave a divorce to and cannot remarry them unless they are a new creation or “born again”, we have been grafted INTO that body. YHWH gave us the Sabbath and his Holy days or moedim (appointed times). The first 4 of which Yahshuah has fulfilled perfectly and will fulfill the last 3 when the Father wills it to be so.

    Rosh Hashana is coming up soon and is a time to be excited for the Feast of Trumpets is a very likely time for the beginning of the end, when the great and terrible day of YHWH will begin. Come adonai Yahshuah, come quickly! Even so, come.

    I have tried to compact a thread of ideas on which I hope and pray you will test for yourself. Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you.

    May YHWH, the Father, and our Saviour Yahshuah turn the light of their countenance on you and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) guide your steps in all things.

    To Him be the power, honor, praise and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

  9. The pope is also a head of State. When was the last time such a person was prosecuted?


    “May the Lord give us the grace to discern when we must speak and when we must be silent.”

    May the Lord prosecute your sorry ass if man doesn’t.

  10. A good share of the priests in Africa have wives and/or kids and live a decent life…….. the catholic church (whom I have given a lot of money to) should wise up and the pope should shutup….. how many black men has HE seen who are celibate!!!!

  11. Read “Vicars of Christ”to really understand that many of the, shall we say., sacred, traditions of the Roman Catholic Church came about for much less than sacred reasons. Priests can’t marry because at one time they were much like royalty, holding
    And, etc., and passing it down to their families. The church wanted that money so priests were forbidden to marry. There’s one pope because the pope, actually more of an Archbishop, in Rome, decreed it, cutting out Constantimople and Jerusalem.
    The pope is infallible on religious matters because a pope once said so.

  12. The Pope is a heretical marxist idiot. Obviously, he has no clue about the power of prayer. When people who know The True and Living God pray concerning his “leadership” and the abuse in the Catholic Church, it won’t turn out well for the reprobate and his deviant friends.

  13. …”The issue is, when the church found these perverts they covered for them, undercutting the truly devout.” …
    Yep, that’s the point, Fur – and well said on your whole rant. Bottom line, the leadership of the Catholic religion, brushed aside the fact that kids/young adults were abused by so-called “men of God”. God won’t treat those guys very well, I’m thinking.

  14. OK, if you believe, like I have for decades, that almost everyone involved is not Catholic but I fact infiltrators put in positions of authority to destroy The Church…. This scandal coming to popular attention is not reason for any solid Catholic to leave The Church.

    It is the day we faithful have been waiting for for way too long. The Fake Media, Catholic and secular, have had free rein to “work their game” and a century of scheming and positioning has just imploded.

    For the first time in my lifetime the dirty motherfuckers are on the defense and this is the beginning of throwing them out, root and branch. It is no incentive to leave Mother Church, but impetus to dig in and cleanse The Church of all influence they have and begin fresh with leadership that faithfully represents the faith.

  15. @99th Squad Leader

    I hope and pray that I am a follower of the Way. I currently spend most of my time reading and studying scripture on my own. Digging into the history of each question that comes up before me. Not a particular easy task for a ignorant hillbilly like myself. In fact I have become too much of a hearer only and not a doer, hence why I have begun posting on such topics. I visit Churchianity assemblies in the area and a few Messianic, Hebrew Roots assemblies. I would like to visit some Orthodox Jewish assemblies some time, YHWH willing.

    Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a pest and an agitator of insurrections among all the Jews throughout the inhabited earth and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes,

    Acts 24:14 But I confess this to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, so I serve the God of our fathers, believing all the things that are written in the Law and in the Prophets;

    I am in no way associated with the website below or the group it represents. I searched for as concise of a presentation of Epiphanius Panarion 29. This seemed to fit the task.

    There are a series of letters exchanged between Epiphanius and Jerome, some of the content is specific to this sect/heresy as they call it. There is someone else that Jerome exchanged with but I cannot recall who it is right now.

    It is my opinion, based on scripture and history, that what became the Roman “church” is not only a spawn of Satan, but that they specifically de-judaized scripture as much as they could. Most of the traditions which are part of the “reformed” vein of the “church” still hold tight to them. By association anything that is a tradition of Rome is a tradition of Satan. I will go as far as to say that Roman Catholicism and Islam are two sides of the same coin, but that is more from emotion than study.

    It is as if Satan/Rome made a check list:

    – No idols, praying to or displaying of such – Let’s pray to St. Fill in the blank for guidance on this, check!
    – No vain babblings and repetitions – 10 Hail Mary and 10 Our Father, check!
    – Salvation through faith in Moshiach Yahshuah – gotta work for that one, check!
    – Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy – Is that the one that was sanctified at creation for all mankind – Whew, good thing YHWH gave us the keys to bind/loose all things even though we are a fallen mess (see II Timothy 3), even though all things on Earth are but a shadow of the the actual in Heaven

    Sorry, I am getting a bit snarky, so I will leave it there. It befuddles my mind that as much as many people can clearly see the error of leftism, they cannot see the downright evil that has been perpetuated by this vile Papacy dung heap. Killing millions (possibly ten’s of millions) of people, which I admit it has been very difficult to find solid verifiable numbers in relation the atrocities of Roman Catholicism. It is almost as if, like the left, they rewrite history. That last statement is born of conjecture on my part due to the difficult task of vetting those who denigrate the Papacy and those who prop it up.

    Vengeance is mine saith YHWH, I will recompense.

    For those who have abused the grace we have received, including the Papacy, Communist regimes and all similar ilk and those who stand by as millions of babies are killed in the name of convenience, His judgment cometh and right soon! I will have to include myself in that group if I do not increase in my efforts to at least reason with others regarding the Word of YHWH.

    Baruch haba b’shem YHWH

  16. The bastard just demonstrated exactly why I often refer to the reprobate as Pope Narcissus. At this juncture to claim moral authority on ANY subject has to be the absolute pinnacle of arrogance. Just who the fuck does he think he is to get all preachy toward anybody? I mean c’mon, give me a fucking break.

    I said that this worthless Marxist had no business anywhere near The Catholic Church in ANY position of authority from day one. And events have proven me correct in that assessment. He is a manipulative, nasty, evil hearted little troll and deserves no respect on any level.

    He is a Marxist and Marxists identify as such. To claim to be both Catholic and yet subscribe to a political philosophy that is in fact a materialistic religion is an untenable claim to try to defend. It simply is a contradiction wrapped in hogwash at every point of conflict to those of us who have been paying attention.

    By God, what I would not give to have a Father Malachi Martin to put up against him tomorrow, but Michael Voris is doing a fabulous job.

    This fight within The Church has, of late, been a fight between the laity and Church leadership. Church Militant with Michael Voris and Ann Barnhardt have been the most effective voices in my estimation. Michael Voris had a midlife “come to Jesus moment, and Ann is an adult convert. Voris was a deeply flawed younger adult and is as open as can be about his past.

    Please pay attention to what they have to say if you want to know what the “loyal opposition” has to say. But that does not mean that we lack horsepower within the power structure of The Church. They have been hamstrung up until now, but now that is evident that the people with the whip hand have lost their moral authority… We are seeing them take the gloves off and dispensing with Marquis of Queensburry rules. There are now biting in the clinches and it I Katie bar the door all out fight to the finish.

    The biggest problem is going to be that the Fake Media is going to put up imposters as being our champions, when nothing more could be further from the true story.

    What they are banking on is that we will not go all William Tecumseh Sherman on them and burn the motherfucer to the ground. But their problem is that we love The Church that they have spent a century torching and have done so out of hatred for Mother Church. There is not much that is left that we hold dear that they haven’t already wrecked that will go up in flames.

    The Church will come out of this with casualties that represent collateral damage and that is a bloody shame, but the alternative would have been much more souls lost had they completed their designs.

  17. What must be grasped, if you want to know the score, is that we who love The Church have, for decades, been shouting about these Marxist infiltrators and the filth they have been instilling in the unwashed masses.

    How many times have I posted: never concede good intentions to the left? I will come right out and put on record that I have advocated judging the heart of others, in violation of one of the most fundamental of Christian teachings. I have called Bergoglio and certain Bishops of The Church wicked and evil people. Well intentioned, but misguided is just simply not an option when one has the luxury of history of where certain policies lead to judge the more likely than not outcome by.

    This Bergoglio bastard has advocated on behalf of a political philosophy that has been the most efficient engine of innocent human suffering, misery and death the world has ever witnessed. And what is more, that political philosophy is not content with doing so on this earth, adherents to that worldview are hell bent on condemning as many innocents souls to an eternity in a miserable hell as possible.

  18. Maybe if the Priests answer to the temptation of pedophilia had been “silence & prayer”, none of these kid’s lives would have been ruined.
    Obviously these “men of faith” don’t actually believe God sees what they do.
    Disgusting fucking hypocrites.

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