Frank Luntz focus group of Trump voters disses both Fauci and the Covid-19 vaccines – IOTW Report

Frank Luntz focus group of Trump voters disses both Fauci and the Covid-19 vaccines

American Thinker:

By Peter Barry Chowka

Last year at this time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as the NIH, was riding high. Pundits from both left and right – including the opinion hosts on Fox News – as well as President Trump and most of the public were constantly singing his praises. Fauci managed to hold onto his extremely high approval numbers though the fall, even after President Trump began to distance himself from the head of his White House Coronavirus Task Force last summer. read more

13 Comments on Frank Luntz focus group of Trump voters disses both Fauci and the Covid-19 vaccines

  1. Tony “The Worm” Fauci is 80 years old, with an alleged birthday of December 24th. That makes the little sh!t thinks he’s God’s gift to medical research. Do the world a favor; become an organ donor (this week).

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