Frank Luntz: The Polling Profession Is Done – IOTW Report

Frank Luntz: The Polling Profession Is Done Last night, GOP Pollster Frank Luntz told Axios that “the polling profession is done” after blowing another big election.

“The political polling profession is done” Luntz told Axios this morning. “It is devastating for my industry.”more

SNIP: Pfft. That’s a shame.

16 Comments on Frank Luntz: The Polling Profession Is Done

  1. Look around. The MSM has half of the country wearing masks because the polling profession tells them that weaponizing a virus is working.

    Neither one of them are done. Far from it.

  2. A pack of liars gets caught out with their dirty scam leaking all over the floor for all to see and then cry crocodile tears over their demise. I hope history eats them alive for the scum thay are.


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