Frank Lush – IOTW Report

Frank Lush


You can make the argument that Frank Luntz is drunk and simultaneously accurate, that part might be true. However, failing to notice the transparency of his repeated drunkenness, while putting any weight of credibility on his opinion, is silly.

Excessive use of alcohol and Alcoholism is a common trait of those who live in Washington DC. You can attribute this commonality to whatever you want but the reality remains. There are a disproportionate number of people afflicted with the need to consume alcohol in/around our nation’s politics. Personally, I think that’s because when evil physically manifests, it exhibits common traits and behavioral patterns.

Like many people in/around punditry and the business world of politics Frank Luntz appears in public visibly drunk. More

9 Comments on Frank Lush

  1. He drinks because he’s ashamed of himself.
    He accepts money to enlist zombies into Satan’s service, to spread the lies and subtle deceits of his masters – and somewhere, deep inside his psyche, he knows this is wrong.

    But the money’s good and he can see no way out except suicide.

    Just my take on it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tucker Carlson talks about the rampant alcohol use in DC.
    Quite different from when the country was being formed and the men in govt talked about God and His hand on their endeavors.

  3. Excessive use of alcohol and Alcoholism is a common trait in the Florida Keys…

    The old Joke is “We’re a Drinking Town with a Tourist Problem”

    On a side note..I’ll be Drunk on Lido Beach Saturday and Sunday. Whilst taking

    Pics of the Sarasota Boat Race…North Turn, Can’t miss Me, Blue Awning, Green

    Chair…Yuge Camera(s) and a Green Pee Tent (the Dark Room)

  4. Feckless Franky nearing the end of the campaign cycle.
    He must still be hurt by his roommate’s, (McCarthy) demise as Speaker. His influence, like Karl Rove, is irrelevant as a republican or political pundit.
    He’s hopeful the democrats will continue to pay him for his meaningless partisan focus groups and his twisted opinions against Trump and conservatives.
    Don’t be fooled, behind that beard is a political whore who twists in the wind.

  5. Why am I suddenly reminded of the old song Satisfied Mind with a slight change to the chorus, not one democrap/RINO in 10 has a satisfied mind. If they’re not drunk, they’re higher than a friggin kite on drugs all while hating God with a purple passion. It’s no wonder that they’re unhappy, without God there is no real joy and I’m not talking about the democraps new definition of joy. It sucks to be a democrap/RINO moron.

  6. Were we watching the same debate? This guys a drunk because DJT has ruined his life. He’s so butt hurt he can’t move on. He’ll still be focused on DJT in ten years. If his liver lasts that long. Chris Wallace falls in the same category.


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