“Frankenfish” Finally Coming To Your Table – IOTW Report

“Frankenfish” Finally Coming To Your Table

The FDA found AquaAdvantage salmon safe for use in 2015, but congress blocked the  fish in 2016 until labeling identified the food source as being genetically modified. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration determined that the producer of what some have called “Frankenfish” has meet congress’ requirements and the item can now be offered to consumers. More

22 Comments on “Frankenfish” Finally Coming To Your Table

  1. I do not eat fish from supermarkets or restaurants. I am fortunate that I live near the great lakes. I have friends who do a lot of fishing in lake Huron/St.Clair river. I get walleye from them occasionally but still seldom partake in fish. I also avoid processed foods as much as possible. I plan to learn to can my own food.

  2. Joe Beer….. You’re correct: farmed fish. But I’m actually working with a development operation in the Shenandoah Valley to grow healthy fresh water salmon in *very clean* tanks on the farms of cattle farmers around the county.

    A big emphasis is upon flavor and, if we pull it all off, the salmon should be superior to wild caught in all ways. …and economical…? ….Lady in Red

  3. I, for one, look forward to shoveling heaps of any kind of GMO food into my gapping mouth. While the genetics may have been modified by man, the proteins and nutrients in these foods will all digest the same as those provided by nature alone. Perhaps this will bring the price down and or take the pressure off of other fish stocks that need time to recover from over exploitation, not to mention all the heart health benefits of adding fish to one’s diet on a regular basis.

  4. They could always grow them in one of settling ponds or small lakes in N. Idaho where the toxic waste from the Silver mines used to accumulate. We still joke about the 3 eyed and other mutant fish up there. I’ve never fished there but occasionally you will see some people fishing out there. And then there’s the legendary W. Medical Lake mud fish in Spokane County in the lake where they used to dump the raw sewage from the State Mental institutions located just off the lake, YUCK!

  5. @Huron – Used to walk our bikes across bridge to go to the french fry truck under the bridge as kids. Spent lots of time at Canatara park also. I’ll wave to you next time I drive the parkway. Small world!

  6. Diff Tim. Alberts rolling lunch. Best fries around. I worked on that truck like alot of the point kids. My yard backs onto the park i am looking at it as i type this.

  7. Fish I like to eat:
    Rock Cod
    Calico Bass
    Shark steaks
    Herring steaks (canned)

    Fish I don’t particularly care for:
    Salmon (unless smoked)

  8. I don’t usually watch Dr Oz. But a week back I was cooking, hands not clean enough to pick up the tv changer, and he and his guest were talking about the mislabeling of fish, particularly salmon. Labeled as wild caught, when they were in fact farm raised fish.

    Anyway, the biggest offenders were the large food chain stores. They could afford to absorb a costly law suit over the incorrectly labeled foods. The small stores were the most honest. A costly law suit would probably put them out of business, thus are are more honest. They label their foods like a chain of possession for crime lab evidence. Almost complete from the ocean where caught, to the hook used, to the fishing boat & crew, to packaging to transport carrier to the store.


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