“Fraud Vitiates All Contracts” – IOTW Report

“Fraud Vitiates All Contracts”


1. “If they committed fraud in the clinical trials — fraud vitiates all contracts. There’s currently a whistleblower, Brook Jackson, who’s taking them to court, claiming that fraud occurred — that they unblinded the trials.”

2. “If this comes to light … there won’t be a judge in the land that won’t come up with a new ruling saying they violated the spirit of immunity.”

19 Comments on “Fraud Vitiates All Contracts”

  1. “In their defense, they’re saying that they can’t be accused of committing fraud because the government told them to. Literally, that’s one of their defenses.”

    My guess is no one will ever be punished for this. Not big pharma because they were told to commit the fraud, and not the federal government because you must first exhaust all administrative remedies before you have the right to sue the federal government. The plaintiffs would be in their graves before anything moved in court. Sorry to be such a pessimist.

  2. The concept of justice under the law has been turned on its head in America. What we have today is might makes right and a return to barbarism. There are folks here who will be pointing fingers at the Democrat, and that is to not see the forest for the trees. The Democrats without establishment Republicans would still be tilting at windmills and howling at the moon. It took the establishment Republicans part in the charade to advance the progressive/Marxist/Satanist agenda. Their roll has been to feign opposition while colluding in the smoky back rooms and bath houses with Democrats how best to incrementally push the agenda forward.

    Their rhetoric is empty as their dark souls. They are straight up Satanists who lie, cheat and steal each and every time they are given an opportunity. It’s all Kabuki theater to them. To say they are pure unadulterated filth is far too generous. They are active participants in advancing Satan’s agenda of increasing innocent human suffering here on earth and that is bad enough, but their ultimate goal is to impress their Dark Prince by participating in separating as many sound from God as possible.

    I don’t expect anyone to take my word for this, I don’t even expect that most will even take the time and put forth the effort to critically examine how their actions comport with the bastard’s rhetoric.

  3. The Brook Jackson case was dismissed on Friday afternoon. She says on Twitter they will appeal and attempt to get a Grand Jury. They had been waiting for the go ahead to get to discovery but the judge decided to dismiss since the trials took place after the contract was signed. They’ll have to figure out a way to refile or appeal. It is going to be tough to ever hold pharma accountable, they own the media, the politicians and it appears the courts.

  4. When the law does not protect me from thee, it equally does not protect thee from me.


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