Freak of the week – IOTW Report

Freak of the week

OC: Man Obsessed with Cosmetic Procedures Spends over $27,000 to Look Fake.

James Holt, from Bury, England, has so far spent £21,000 ($27,500) on cosmetic procedures in an effort to copy the most striking features of the Kardashian sisters and achieve a fake look.

22-year-old Holt says he has been planning to alter his body from a very young age, when he became obsessed with looking like the models on Page 3 of English tabloids. At age 17, he booked his first cosmetic procedures at a local salon – a bout of Botox shots to his forehead and some lip injections. He had just one milliliter of liquid injected into his lips, but after that failed to draw the attention of his colleagues when he went to school the next day he decided to go back for more.


37 Comments on Freak of the week

  1. Still waiting for some loser to transplant an actual working sphincter where their mouth is. It’s only a matter of time. And boredom. And stupidity. And Daddys’ money.

  2. Permanent “duck” lips. No. Just. No.
    I hope all his “cosmetic” procedures include a cut-a-dick-ectomy. This boy(?) has no business breeding a next generation of entitled stoopid.

  3. “…when he became obsessed with looking like the models on Page 3 of English tabloids.”
    Epic Fail!

    PS – The beard and mustache are not helping, dumbass!

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