Freakiest of Freak Accidents – IOTW Report

Freakiest of Freak Accidents

I still can’t picture in my head what happened here, but this is very sad.


 A horrifying—and perplexing—case out of Cincinnati: A 16-year-old boy died Tuesday after two panicked calls to 911 in which he relayed that he was trapped and dying inside his minivan in the parking lot of his school. “I probably don’t have much time left, so tell my mom I love her if I die,” Kyle Jacob Plush said in the first call, which came just after 3pm. He “gasped, cried repeatedly for help, and struggled to communicate with the operator” during that call, WCPO reports, but ultimately the call cut off. Officers went to the scene but couldn’t find the van and thought the call might have been a joke. But Plush called 911 again and insisted it was not: “I am trapped inside a gold Honda Odyssey van in the parking lot of Seven Hills,” he said. “Send officers immediately. I’m almost dead.” Plush’s body wasn’t found until nearly six hours later, after his family was told he had not shown up to a tennis match as planned.

His mom used an app to determine his phone was in the school parking lot; family members arrived there around 9pm to find him, unresponsive, in his unlocked car, the AP reports. A source tells he had climbed onto the third-row bench seat to retrieve tennis equipment from the back of the van when the seat flipped toward the back hatch, trapping Plush upside-down beneath it. “The young man was trapped in the third row bench seat, and it [was] positional asphyxiation” that killed him


16 Comments on Freakiest of Freak Accidents

  1. Not everyone is lucky enough to get hit by a coke truck. Something my dad used to say. Probably applies here, Honda deep pockets, will be interesting.
    Very tragic that is certain.


    Honda 3rd row magic seat in action at .54 second mark

    If you had reached over the third seat from the front and went headfirst into that storage area, reached up and grab the strap and pull down hard? Skinny little 16 year old tennis player pinned underneath? Looks possible. As completely and quickly as it folds down.

  3. The family lived next door to (the new) Mrs Mxyzptlk, and now live down around the corner from us. We saw them yesterday. Great kid; had multiple spine problems when very young. Overcame those & played tennis and swam for his current (pricey) private school.
    His van wasn’t parked in the school lot, but in an overflow lot across the street. That added to the confusion. His dad actually found him, dead. Doesn’t seem to be any problems on the kid’s end of it, but seems like the police dispatcher blew it. Details sure to come out at some point.

  4. If he called 911 they would have his cell phone number. Couldn’t they locate where his cell phone was like his mom did? Couldn’t the police contact his parents, who clearly could locate his phone? This seems like another major police screw-up.

  5. Note to all get away driver’s, use gold Honda Odyssey‘s, apparently they’re invisible, at least to the police.
    Also we must been all tennis equipment.

  6. The poor boy was trapped upside down, with the seat crushing his chest. How horrifying. My heart goes out to him and especially his mom. He told the dispatcher, “ I probably don’t have much time left, so tell my mom that I love her if I die.” That just crushes me.

    Apparently Kyle was not within reach of his phone. He used Siri to connect with 911, but he could not hear the dispatcher, nor was he able to answer the phone when the dispatcher tried to call him back. And the second dispatcher who apparently did not relay critical information to the police one the scene….man, I would hate to be her.

    What a tragedy. What a cluster.


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