Freddy’s Dead, That’s What I Said – IOTW Report

Freddy’s Dead, That’s What I Said


Freddy, a Great Dane known as the tallest dog in the world, has died.

Guinness World Records, which conferred the tallest-dog honor on Freddy in 2016, announced Freddy’s passing in a press release Wednesday. He was eight and a half. More

He’d just set the record for oldest living great dane this past summer. Here

19 Comments on Freddy’s Dead, That’s What I Said

  1. I’m surprised they didn’t get one of them for Mooch as the White House pet to make her look regular size.

    Guess the plumbing couldn’t handle the 2 of them…

  2. My son had a Spanish ranch mastive, but Freddy had her beat. The dog was like a horse, I had trouble walking her because if she saw something you were going with her.

  3. Michael Behe touches on dog breeding in his recent book Darwin Devolves.

    “…at the DNA level, what exactly are the mutations behind the wide variety of dogs?”

    “Largely degradative.”

    He provides some examples. Two of them are:
    -Increased muscle mass in some breeds derives from degradation of a myostatin gene.
    -Short tails are associated with loss-of-FCTof the protein coded by a single copy of the mutated T gene. Two copies of the mutated gene are lethal to a dog before birth.

    “…now that we can investigate the molecular level of life, we see that the great majority of dog mutations unwittingly selected by us humans are very likely to be damaging, degrading, or outright loss-of-FCT ones.”

    FCT is a term Behe used throughout his book, and means Functional Coded Element.

    I’ve only heard in the pass 10 years or so that some specialized dog breeds do not have long lives. Behe provides the answer.

    If you want a dog that sticks around, give a mutt a home.

  4. @Tim Buktu


    The existence of purse dogs proves that “breeding” is not creating a stronger & more adaptive animal.

    Useless yap dogs that double as coyote food.

  5. I ran into someone who had two old Danes in a car down at the coast, 12 and 13 years old.
    Mine is 7 and is about 180 pounds. It’s hard to get him on the scale. One can hope for a long life, but all dogs are too short lived.
    Driving down the road he stands behind me and puts his head on my shoulder or out the window. Gentle giant Astro.


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