Fredo Cuomo Tries Calling His Mom, Gets The President Instead – IOTW Report

Fredo Cuomo Tries Calling His Mom, Gets The President Instead

Carpe Donktum had some fun this week with CNN host Chris Cuomo’s attempt to demonstrate how easy it is to overhear the conversation of others on the phone. Watch

8 Comments on Fredo Cuomo Tries Calling His Mom, Gets The President Instead

  1. So.
    It ain’t enough you’re called “Fredo.”

    You feel compelled to go on nationwide TV and PROVE IT!?


    What a fuckin jackass.
    What a maroon.
    What a nin-cow-poop.

    “Hey! Look at me! Hey! Look at me! Uhh … no … uhh … maybe ya best look over dere … uhh … somewhere else … at …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Americans used to believe in freedom, personal responsibility, morality, peace, and balanced budgets, but now the US has become the opposite of everything it ever stood for.

    Part of the reason the USA has changed is because the elites have taken over the government, media, and the corporations.

    The 1% have bought off the politicians with campaign donations and promises of cushy jobs while using the Deep State and the media to keep moral officials in check. Any politician that stands up to the wishes of the ruling class will be called a racist, nutjob, get an IRS audit, will be arrested, or will be killed.

    The elites are supporting wars, refugees, and illegal immigrants to divide Americans, lower pay rates, and to increase the number of Socialist voters.

    The ruling powers are using their control of the government to increase the number of nanny state laws and to expand the police state to help the state meet their private prison quotas.

    Americans have fewer media choices now that the multiple newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV stations have merged into a few giant media corporations.

    Instead of getting their news from many diverse sources now, Americans just read political websites that fit their worldview.

    The elites have made Americans lazy and dependent by increasing welfare.

    The ruling class has pushed immorality and made the abnormal acceptable.

    Religion is ridiculed.

    Since Americans are too lazy, degraded, defeated, divided, and distracted to protest on their own, the elites are paying protesters to protest historical statues.

    The 1% are having students poorly educated.

    Jobs are being exported.

    Debt use is encouraged.

    The elites are breaking up families and penalizing men with alimony and easy divorce laws.

    The population is distracted with bread and circuses.

    The weak minorities are praised while the strong white men are vilified.

    Employers of minorities and women are given tax-breaks.

    The population is brainwashed with political correctness and employee sensitivity training.

    Hard work is punished with taxes and regulations.

    Truth-tellers are censored and denied web-hosting and payment services.

    Ivy League professors are paid well to write studies that are the opposite of scientific and economic history.


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