Free Citizens With Guns – IOTW Report

Free Citizens With Guns

“We are in the age of Free men with arms… and they have decided they will have NO master”

I believe he is talking about the UN and what they think they can do to us and our guns. I cheered out loud when I listened to this.

15 Comments on Free Citizens With Guns

  1. There’s a good possibility some folks are going to learn what this guy is referring to on or about Sept. 18th. Sooner or later they’re going to poke that Tiger just a little to hard.

  2. As an American, I viscerally bridle at any foreigner who even attempts to understand/define our relationship with firearms. Not only do they approach it from a position of ignorance, but they lack any historical reference to that very bulwark we rely on to secure our freedoms and defy tyranny.

    They will never understand that which we so thoroughly cherish, that we codified it in our most sacred founding document. Nor do they understand the lengths we will go to resist their usurpations in this regard.

    I would prefer a simple succinct response, “Fuck around and find out”.

    OT, RFK Jr. just dropped out and is backing Trump. The road, although still treacherous, just got a little smoother.

  3. The image that comes to my mind is one of a Free (Wo)Man, back to the wall, one hand outstretched “Halt!”, the other hand on on a pistol butt in a holster.
    We don’t want to hurt/kill you, but we will, in self defense, if you take one more step towards us.

  4. Wild Bill
    I don’t know or read Greek, but even I understood that.


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