Free College Is Too Expensive – IOTW Report

Free College Is Too Expensive

AT:  There’s a reason why old clichés tend to hang around for decades. The reason is they’re based on fact.


Example: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” When someone says that a critically-important product or service is “free,” it isn’t. Everything costs money. Everyone who performs a service or delivers a product gets paid, as well they should. The only question is, by whom?

A popular recent theme is free college, which joins free preschool and free healthcare as the latest thing they say we’re “entitled” to for free, that we “deserve.”

Everything provided by other people costs money, in the form of salaries, rent, transportation, etc. — every aspect of a delivered product or service is paid for by someone. If the government is going to provide something to the population for “free,” then the Government has to raise the funds to do so, by collecting taxes. The government has no “money;”

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3 Comments on Free College Is Too Expensive

  1. But if they don’t offer everyone “free college” then they won’t get to finish the indoctrination they started in pre-school.
    What indoctrination in pre-school, you say?
    “Share your toys”

  2. Based on our current tax, borrow and print policy why doesn’t our government just eliminate the tax and borrow part and just print whatever they need. Then everything would be free for everybody! After all, they eliminated the constitutional requirement for yearly budgets and it didn’t hurt their reelection chance in the least!

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