Free From Gun Violence – IOTW Report

Free From Gun Violence

32 Comments on Free From Gun Violence

  1. Ahh, the right to be free from gun violence. The New Mexico gun ban was the teaser for a federal gun ban based on the right to be free from gun violence. The “This what Democracy Looks Like!!!” crowd will be activated to pressure politicians and judges to go along or risk utter chaos. This is a classic Obama move, so I have my doubts about his minions/handlers abandoning Biden’s administration. I think they are just taking a step back into the shadows.

  2. Interesting. I wish I could draw because the mention of Kamala’s new ‘job’ assignment brings to my mind a single pane cartoon (meme?) depicting her sitting in her office, with empty shoeboxes and discarded new shoes strewn all around her.

    All boxes are labeled with her various tasks.

    Most of the shoes are pristine, shiny, unused and are sitting next to their equally pristine empty shoebox.

    The boxes are labeled with her many failed careers.

    One empty shoebox labeled Brown, has its pair of shoes; well worn, scuffed, and worn down heels.

  3. From activism, the marching, the voting by students and parents and teachers and community leaders and snakes and swamp rats and Obama shitbags and Bush Nazi’s and Congressional con artists and Communists and Oligarchs and crony Capitalists and every possible kind of psychopathic political hack that has ever walked the Earth wanting control of his fellow Man.

  4. She got through her whole 20 second spiel without cackling.

    I remember as a young lad, my dad warning me about democrats who talk about “freedom FROM…”. This shit started with FDR and his list of so-called “freedoms” ( freedom from want, etc.). It’s an old communist tactic.

  5. DAMN!! We are so lucky to have her as Vise President, aren’t we? I mean, good looking, articulate, extremely intelligent, and a woman of color. What’s not to like? And the best part is she will replace President Biden the most voted for President in US history with 81 MILLION VOTES.

  6. “Glock slide can tear up the skin between thumb and index finger due to sloppy grip/snark maybe”

    Don’t get “Snark Maybe”. Hopefully it’s snark. You’re describing “Slide Bite”. Anybody that shoots well has a scar right there. It’s from being real high up on the grip. Which is what your after. Less recoil. Grab it high and squeeze the oil out of it. Now, go shoot some bad guys.

  7. They MUST disarm us. They do not believe they can succeed in their plans while we are largely capable of significant self defense at a small group and local levels. It is critical that we do not allow a general disarmament regardless how bad the conditions they create may become.

    One tactic they are using in their quest for a federal police force, demonization, disempowering and defunding local policing and declining to punish criminal activity, is blowing back against disarming the public. Attempts to provoke organized militant responses to government created outrages against our rights from the armed public have so far been unsuccessful, and people’s awareness of their vulnerability to violence from the criminal class and government’s willful refusal to suppress crimes is growing.

    Yet, they MUST disarm us if they are to bring their plans for us to fruition.


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