Freedom Caucus Republicans Call For Jeff Sessions To Resign – IOTW Report

Freedom Caucus Republicans Call For Jeff Sessions To Resign

Daily Caller: Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows and member Rep. Jim Jordan are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign over Justice Department leaks to reporters.

Meadows and Jordans’ call is in response to The New York Times’ report over the weekend that insisted the FBI’s probe into Russia collusion was started over George Papadopolous’ drunken conversations and not the Steele dossier. The report relied on four anonymous intelligence officials. 

“The alarming number of FBI agents and DOJ officials sharing information with reporters is in clear violation of the investigative standards that Americans expect and should demand,” Meadows and Jordan assert in an opinion piece for The Washington Examiner. “How many FBI agents and DOJ officials have illegally discussed aspects of an ongoing investigation with reporters? When will it stop?”

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7 Comments on Freedom Caucus Republicans Call For Jeff Sessions To Resign

  1. if the DOJ IG report either doesn’t come, out or it’s a nothing burger, Sessions has to go. If the report comes out and he becomes a real life Columbo I’ll be a happy son of a gun.

  2. The NEW YORK TIMES? Come on now, since when did that horrid rag, with its ‘anonymous sources’, become a pillar of truth, upon which to base any action?

    I wouldn’t even clean my windows with that disreputable scrap paper. Even lining bird cages with it, would be risky for the birds.

  3. There had better be something more going on behind the scenes or I’d agree. Seems Trump would have booted him by now if there wasn’t. Guess we’ll see.

  4. @organgrinder January 5, 2018 at 5:27 am

    Take a look at who still has uninvited access to The White House. Now… In what order does Donald Trump place the following, all desirable, but mutually exclusive, attributes: competency, integrity, loyalty?

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