Freedom Will Win If Canadians Stand Together – IOTW Report

Freedom Will Win If Canadians Stand Together

[…] They may control and twist the legacy and corporate media, but we are no longer reliant upon them to see what is happening, and what is happening is beautiful.  

8 Comments on Freedom Will Win If Canadians Stand Together

  1. I saw something earlier today that suggested that while Fidel Jr. has the political clout to get elected, he does not have the political clout to prevail here suggesting he might be gone in as little as a week.

    While I am not sure that will come to pass, he is certainly going to be a lame duck.

    I also saw a video of him on a show where people could call in and ask him questions. He was asked why he let left-wing protests (spelled r-I-o-t-s) continue but he is working to stop these peaceful protests. His answer was along the lines of, I kid you not, protests were OK as long as he agreed with them.

    Let’s hear it about “a danger to Democracy.”

  2. I look at all these videos of the glorious Canadian Trucker Rebellion, dealing with all the privations of sub-zero weather, you guys are a bunch of tough Mother-Fuckers, good on ya.

    Us Californians (OK, I’ll speak for myself) are such pussies when it comes to weather-related endurances. Hell, if my WSJ is late or the coffee pot is empty in the morning I get surly.

    I hope that all the Canadians involved know what an inspiration you guys are and how the effects of standing up to tyranny are rippling across the globe.


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