Frelvis – IOTW Report


13 Comments on Frelvis

  1. Elvis’ first love was southern gospel music by groups like The Blackwood Brothers and The Statesmen Quartet. I recently found a remastered CD set of gospel music by Elvis (going through my parent’s things after they passed) and the liner notes discussed how Elvis tried out with a new quartet in the mid 1950’s led by Jim Hamill (later the lead singer for The Rebels Quartet and The Kingsmen Quartet among others), but Elvis was turned down because he couldn’t sing harmony(or as Jim Hamill put it, he couldn’t “hear” harmony – Elvis just sang the baritone part even when he wasn’t the lead singer at the moment).

    A few months later, Elvis tried out with the group again and he had learned to sing harmony quite well. The group offered him a job, but as it turned out, Elvis had just signed his first contract with SUN Records a couple of days prior. Jim Hamill tried to get Elvis to break his contract, but apparently he was not able to.

    I personally think that God had His hand in that situation. If Elvis had been able to sing harmony the first time around with the gospel group, his career would have never been the same and most of the world may have never known who he was.

  2. Glad you enjoyed it Loco. This is one of the songs on the CD set which was recorded in the studio with Elvis and several others just singing gospel music after a concert.

    J.D. Sumner was the bass singer and he toured with Elvis (and recorded with him for many years). J.D. was also the bass for The Blackwood Brothers when Elvis was a young lad. Elvis used to wait around after their shows in Memphis and would try to talk with the members of the group. J.D. liked the humble and polite young Elvis and asked him why he didn’t come see the shows. Elvis told him he didn’t have enough money to actually attend the shows, but he had their records. J,D, told Elvis to come to the stage door in back and tell the “door man” that J.D. Sumner said that he could watch from back stage any time they were in town.

    That was the beginning of a long friendship between them that started with Elvis “sneaking in” to see J.D. Sumner and the Blackwood Brothers and ending with J.D. singing as the bass for Elvis throughout much of the 1960’s and early 70’s until Elvis died.

  3. My mother-in-law was wasting away at a nursing home. She would be totally unresponsive to the world, but when we played Elvis music, she went int an almost dance mode in her wheelchair. She was in a different world when Elvis sang,

  4. @Bubba’s Brother: The music was good but he killed himself doing it. Another great bass singer was J.D. Sumner (former Blackwoods singer). J.D. Sumner and the Stamps, as they were known, performed with Presley from 1970 to 1977, and Sumner sang at Presley’s funeral in 1977. He also sang on such Presley hits as “Burning Love,” “American Trilogy” and “Way Down.”Nov 21, 1998.

  5. When my older brother, who was born in early Jan 1945 while our dad was fighting in the Battle of the Bulge, flew in from his home in Alaska to Florida for a visit in the late 90’s, we were riding in my car one day when a #1 hit by Jerry Lee Lewis song came on the radio. I turned up the volume thinking that, since he was very popular in Pete’s day, he would enjoy it. He turned the volume back down. When I asked him why and explained that I thought he would have been a big fan, Pete replied, “well, he was no Elvis.”


    Most of my friends were fans of all the “Million $ Quartet” 68 years ago. The Jerry Lee did a “Terrible” thing that got him Banned (canceled today) from R+R stations. He married his cousin! Manny former fans turned against him.
    He did not have a record make the Pop Top 10 after 1958. The Press (MSM now) destroyed him. He still was very big in Country.

    I remained a fan of “The Killer” ; but he’s #3 after Elvis; Carl.

    Your brother may be one of many many the Press turned against Jerry Lee.
    I forgive him; he’s still young.

  7. PS

    Al Cap did a very popular cartoon series about “Hillbillies” 75 to 60 years ago. One of the recurring themes was marrying relatives.


    I reds it with pleasure; ignored the insults.

    But Southernere were derided by “our betters” for inter marriage.

    The Bigotry of the Press was clear; and plain to see if you really cared! FDR married his cousin. But he was a plutocrat like GWB so “no big deal”! HORSE SHIT!

    Ladies I am sorry. But why when a rich liberal does something is it OK; but if I did it it would be a sin! HORSEs HIT!

  8. @ol jarhead
    I know that Jerry married his 13 year old cousin and that didn’t go over well with the public or his fans. That wasn’t Pete’s beef. It was his personal life and to each his own. His point was only that there was just one king who set the bar so high that the rest of the rabble could only barely see it.

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