French Counterterrorism Forces Raid … – IOTW Report

French Counterterrorism Forces Raid …

2,235 homes, Seize 334 Weapons, Arrest 232 Suspects.

Breitbart: In the intense two-week period following the horrendous November 13 jihadist attacks in Paris, French counterterrorism forces have already raided 2,235 homes and buildings, arrested 232 people and seized 334 weapons, of which 34 were war-grade, according to reports.


13 Comments on French Counterterrorism Forces Raid …

  1. Look at those numbers. Now imagine how many they didn’t catch or the ones that didn’t arouse suspicion. How aggressive will the prosecutors be knowing that they’ll have targets on their backs? How lenient will the judges be in sentencing if they sentence at all? Will the French government lean on judiciary to go easy on the entire process? Will anyone be deported?

    France can’t afford to fill every cell with these 7th century throwbacks, but they could easily be at full capacity. Unless non-Moslem countries start deporting or executing, the taxpayers are going to be paying the freight.

  2. Every aware person knows that mosques are the nests of jihadists and storehouses of weapons to be used against the non-believer. Since the heads of governments and the money powers behind them aren’t stupid you have to conclude that they are perpetrating the mayhem by allowing them to exist. Creating problems where none existed before is their modus operandi. Think of it as “community organizing” on a grand scale.

  3. Let’s use some logic to derive a good possible motive.
    1) Europe’s population is old and dying with no incentive for getting off their fat asses and going back to working long hours to feed themselves.
    2) Socialism is so damn expensive that the money has nearly run out and the system is going to collapse do to the fiat having little or no value.
    3) With no Jews left(virtually none), they’ll need a scape goat to blame or more than likely they’ll need a somebody to begin the mayhem to hide the financial truth that they’re all really fucked as the currency is utterly worthless. The scourge from Arabia will in affect solve this problem with destruction that can be laid squarely on the Jihadist threat and at the same time, kill off large swaths of the population which will make it easier to control a smaller one when they clamp down on them.
    4) Perhaps they really don’t give a rat’s turd or their fucking as dumb as we’ve all expect progs to be.

  4. the french really are no pussies despite the rep they get ..
    in ww1 the french took more deaths than anyone exclude the ruskies. verdun was the reason for vichy france in ww2.
    they also lots most of their battalions trying to stop the panzers comming thru belgian .. they can kick some ass & i am happy to see it now.

    vive la france !!

  5. On a slightly different note, WTF do the reporters mean by the term “war-grade”? As far as I know, ALL weapons, from pistols to rifles, single shot to full auto, are “war-grade”.
    Damn f**kin’ stoopid DeMSM presstitutes.
    “The mind is the only true weapon. Everything else is a tool.”

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