French Elections: Marine Le Pen Pulls Ahead – IOTW Report

French Elections: Marine Le Pen Pulls Ahead


Massive for France & Europe. The first ever poll to put Marine Le Pen in a winning position for the Presidency. Not very surprising given Macron’s complacent centrism & elitism. This could be France’s populist moment. Atlas Politico run-off poll: Le Pen: 50.5% Macron: 49.5%

7 Comments on French Elections: Marine Le Pen Pulls Ahead

  1. …you can be all KINDS of ahead right up to election night, then 3 AM rolls around and your opponent starts doing so well at the closed tabulation stations that your tally starts going BACKWARDS, so counting chickens and all means nothing when your opponent frauds you out, ask President Trump how that works…

  2. Sorry, no win for conservatives.
    From wikipedia.
    In January 2007 France’s UMP party held a national presidential primary using both remote electronic voting and with 750 polling stations using touch screen electronic voting over the Internet. The election resulted in over 230,000 votes representing a near 70% turnout.

    And in the no shit category.
    On March 6, 2017 France announced that Internet voting (which had previously been offered to citizens abroad) would not be permitted in the 2017 legislative elections due to “cybersecurity concerns”.

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