French Feminists Mopping Sidewalk Topless – IOTW Report

French Feminists Mopping Sidewalk Topless

So, leftists are inane no matter where they are. Got it.

37 Comments on French Feminists Mopping Sidewalk Topless

  1. Should we give it 2 tits up or not. And I thought that topless baristas at coffee stands were disgusting. Are their customers really going there to get some coffee or just going there to look at some young lady’s hooters. No thanks!

  2. These women are deeply upset that no African rape gang has attacked them yet, and they are worried they will miss out on all the fun if LePen’s folks get in and start deporting the parasites.

  3. Most of the time, they move in harmony with their owner. But when they don’t, things can get interesting, fast. The dynamics of that are worth pondering. Isn’t physics great?

  4. Meh. Its an, uh, “small” protest from what I can see, and what the lungs are putting out through the inside absolutely obviates what “little” appeal they might otherwise have had from whats covering their outside.

    And I dont have to speak French to know it.

    These gals would take away the desire in even a horny 16 yo for either translation or masturbation, unless he were a homosexual seeking validation.

    …although Im sure that theres some Muslims lurking nearby that will be more than happy to introduce them to how they handle mouthy women with bare breasts back home…

  5. At least they’re not throwing food at works of art.

  6. …also, I think the clothes they ARE wearing and the parody of domestic activity is supposed to be a satire on the American television trope of a ’50s housewife, which wasnt even true at the time. My mother raised 4 kids starting in the ’50s and went to college, got a Masters, and built a lifelong career starting in the ’60s, all with a suburban life complete with an alledgedly piggish military verteran husband that somehow completely failed to oppress her.

    The “reality” they are protesting doesnt exist, and I suspect it never did.

    …although I suspect theyd be happier if they COULD have such a life…


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