French: I’m Not Running for President – IOTW Report

French: I’m Not Running for President

NRO: I’m not the right person to challenge Trump and Hillary, but the path remains open for others. Here is a sentence I never thought I’d type: After days of prayer, reflection, and serious study of the possibilities, I am not going to run as an independent candidate for president of the United States. I gave it serious thought — as a pretty darn obscure lawyer, writer, and veteran — only because we live in historic times. Never before have both parties failed so spectacularly, producing two dishonest, deceitful candidates who should be disqualified from running for town council, much less leader of the free world.

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22 Comments on French: I’m Not Running for President

  1. He’s sticking with National Review. Calling Trump dishonest and deceitful, just like Killary, pisses me off.
    I just wish that when all these elite conservatives go on their post election cruise in December to sulk on a Trump victory, or delight in a Hillary victory, that their cabins on the Nieuw Amsterdam be invaded by a swarm of locus, bed bugs, and lice. But bring them back safe so they can face the music for the next four years.

  2. Well, no. It’s probably not the best idea to challenge any candidate when the primary is basically over. And nobody knows who you are. Your next door neighbor stands just as good a chance, bud. Why do you even embarrass yourself so?

  3. Did He flagellate himself up in a big lather until God told him not to run because The Lord has already christened Trump as the next President Of The United Stayes?

  4. Well, I hope he lives long and prospers.

    Lawyers are a malicious, mendacious lot and are trained to be immoral, amoral, despicable, facilitators of every perversion of Justice imaginable. It’s no coincidence that most of the Einsatzgruppen leadership were lawyers, is it? They can justify the most outrageous abominations.

    Anyway, he seems to have awakened to the fact that he played Billy Kristol’s stooge on the national stage, and doesn’t look any better for it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh no what will the sore losers do now ? LOL They need to stop this silliness and accept the fact they lost.I held my nose and voted for folks I didn’t want a bunch of times its their turn now…

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