French President Macron accuses American media of ‘legitimizing’ Islamist violence – IOTW Report

French President Macron accuses American media of ‘legitimizing’ Islamist violence

Pot meet kettle.

Blaze: French President Emmanuel Macron accused American media of “bias” and of “legitimizing” Islamic violence in a phone call with a New York Times columnist, the paper reported Sunday.

Macron called Times media columnist Ben Smith to complain about how American media has covered the French government’s response to terrorism. During the call, Macron argued that English-language coverage of recent Islamic terror attacks in France and the French government’s crackdown on Islamic extremism in response has been unfairly characterized as racist or Islamophobic by the media.

“When France was attacked five years ago, every nation in the world supported us,” President Macron said, referring to the Nov. 13, 2015, coordinated terrorist attacks at the Bataclan theater, outside a soccer stadium, and at Parisian cafes. read more

7 Comments on French President Macron accuses American media of ‘legitimizing’ Islamist violence

  1. Gee, complaining that our MSM is biased, promotes a simplistic agenda in their manipulation of news coverage, and has a hair trigger in lumping any actions they don’t agree with as either racist or Islamophobic, and this surprises you how, Pepe Le Pew?

    Macron has a right to be surly, his stupid attempt at inclusion with the Muslim horde, people that despise you, think you are weak and want you dead, right after you sign their welfare check, it was insane from the very beginning.

    At least he is finally figuring things out now, before France turns into that shithole Sweden, The Swedes already committed cultural suicide.


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