French President Says His Thoughts Are Too Complex For Journalists To Follow – IOTW Report

French President Says His Thoughts Are Too Complex For Journalists To Follow


An Elysée official told Le Monde newspaper that the 39-year-old centrist leader’s “complex thought process lends itself badly to the game of question-and-answer with journalists” that is held every year on the July 14 national holiday.

Now he is shunning the TV interview French presidents usually hold on Bastille Day after attending the military parade on the Champs Elysées, which this year will include US President Donald Trump among its spectators.

Now he is shunning the TV interview French presidents usually hold on Bastille Day after attending the military parade on the Champs Elysées, which this year will include US President Donald Trump among its spectators.


Macron, you’re doing it wrong.

The trick is to get the press to say you’re the smartest man in the room, like they did for Obama. Saying yourself is gauche.

ht/ the big owe


25 Comments on French President Says His Thoughts Are Too Complex For Journalists To Follow

  1. Why shame on you MJA !
    Sounds like the type of
    “sayings” I heard in 11 years
    of heavy marine construction.
    Never heard that one before. MJA= score 1

  2. Like any Leftist has thoughts so complex we will never understand.
    – Bigger government is good so I have more power
    – Taxing people with money is good so I have more money to control
    – Give more people benefits so I buy their votes
    – Be hypocritical

  3. Yeah, yeah, and his poop (caca) doesn’t stink either. What a macaroon, erhh moron. Marine LePen would have been the better choice, but the Frogs just had to play the victim. Victims with sunburned armpits. Surrender Monkeys. Progressive Turd Polishers say you can pick it up by the clean end.

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