French Protest: “F*ck Merkel, Europe Has Become Toilet of the Third World” – IOTW Report

French Protest: “F*ck Merkel, Europe Has Become Toilet of the Third World”

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the French Embassy in Paris to protest the “migrant flood into Europe.”

france anti muslim migrant protest


Hundreds of far-right protesters gathered near the German embassy in Paris on Thursday to protest against the “migrant flood into Europe.” The protest was organized by the SIEL (Sovereignty, Independence and Liberty) party aligned to Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France. The demonstrators chanted slogans decrying German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s refugee policy and carried Hungarian flags to show their solidarity with Viktor Orban’s tough response to the refugee influx.  more here

11 Comments on French Protest: “F*ck Merkel, Europe Has Become Toilet of the Third World”

  1. Can’t wait to see the anti- French backlash. I know it’s coming.

    When I lived in Brooklyn, my neighborhood was completely taken over by immigrants, who trashed what had once been a beautiful place to live. When I complained, I was promptly branded a racist.

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