French Rapper’s Music Video Advocates Hanging White Babies and Killing Their Parents – IOTW Report

French Rapper’s Music Video Advocates Hanging White Babies and Killing Their Parents

And I’m sure the French White Liberals will fawn over it as if it’s “high art.”

Video HERE

Story HERE

“I go into creches and kill white babies. Catch them quickly and hang their parents.”
“spread them apart to pass the time, to entertain black children of all ages young and old”
“whip them hard do it frankly how it smells death how it spurts blood hanging from trees in cosmic emptiness”
“let these filthy provide a fascinating show macabre scary
“aim when they move pale and funny”
“take away from them all humanity so that they become nothing but objects without souls
“from now on own them write their names on your wills”
“Yeah Yeah”
“So that we hand them down as time goes by”
“So that they belong to us in the depth of their subconscious”
Ohh man, Ohh Man, WhaWhaWha Whitiiiiies, Hang them Ohh Man, Ohh Man, WhawhaWha Whities”
“Hang them all Hang white people Hang them now Hang white people, Hang them now”

6 Comments on French Rapper’s Music Video Advocates Hanging White Babies and Killing Their Parents

  1. Cummon wicho bad seff …

    The Frogs may put up with that stupid shit, but I won’t.
    C’mon down! Talk’s cheap. Strut down my driveway with your rope and lumber (for a scaffold). I fukkin triple-dog-dare you!
    Yeah … bring your homies … the more the merrier.

    This ain’t France. This ain’t Italy. This ain’t Germany. This ain’t Sweden. This ain’t Canada. This ain’t The People’s Republic of Taxachusetts. This ain’t California. This ain’t Oregano. This ain’t Merrlyn.

    This is Tim-land. And you can kiss my fat, white ass (in two parts).

    Bring it on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Oh.

    And I should point out that I’m not a tough guy – or a bad-ass – or a he-man – or a crack shot – or a Kung-fu Master – in fact, I’m a kind-hearted, good fun-loving, look-the-other-way and take-no-offense, slow-burn, live-and-let-live, you-can-go-your-own-way, smiling, laughing, good-natured, sit-down-on-the-porch-and-have-a-cigar, easy-going, roll-with-the-punches kind of guy … but when you rap about killing my children and/or my grandchildren, it kind of brings out the berserker in me. Not that there is much – I’m a 57-variety mongrel without (probably) a single pure DNA strand – but that kind of shit is unnecessary – most unwelcome – and will not be tolerated.

    izlamo delenda est …


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