Fresh on the Heels of Being “Hacked By Russians” DNC Chair Nominee Pushes For Online Voting – IOTW Report

Fresh on the Heels of Being “Hacked By Russians” DNC Chair Nominee Pushes For Online Voting

Jehmu Greene hates voter ID, as does all democrat pols. She is advocating for online voting, because the internet has been very, very good to the dems, hasn’t it?

22 Comments on Fresh on the Heels of Being “Hacked By Russians” DNC Chair Nominee Pushes For Online Voting

  1. Obama gave up control of the internet to international control.
    Let’s have the UN and the one-world zealots decide our elections for us, we won’t even have to vote.
    The socialist DNC lost relevancy several decades ago.

  2. Anything to facilitate vote fraud.
    That’s the lesson they learned from their resounding defeat at the hands of the American electorate.
    The socialists’ voter fraud machine wasn’t extensive enough to overcome the outrage of ordinary Americans, and thus, Freedom and Liberty have hung on by a thread. How long that can last is anyone’s guess. But you can bet the forces of evil are pursuing their agenda with renewed vigor and have NOT lapsed into self-examination and reflection – they are re-grouping for another assault on America, on Civilization, on Freedom, and on Liberty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Will voting on line be easier than the order I placed for key lime pie cookies yesterday? God I hope so.

    Just kidding. Voting should require that you get your lazy ass off the couch and show your face and your ID.

  4. I’m still amazed that it would seem that Canada has far stricter voter identification laws then the US does and that such large portions of the US want to remove what checks you do have in place. You’re losing your country.

  5. So the Russians hacked our election so lets put it online?! Panic – must set-up maximum voter fraud opportunities.

    If someone doesn’t even put in the minimal effort to fill out their ballot, which is often mailed to them, and drop it off then they shouldn’t be weighing in.

  6. Greene admitted her parents were illegal immigrants from Liberia – the country established for slaves to return to.

    Why isn’t she worshipping the ground she walks on and thanking every white person for letting her parents stay?

  7. Hmmm…. he says that Republicans put a voter ID law on the ballot and “too many people thought it was a good idea” but Democrats defeated it at the ballot box because that is what Democrats specialize in. All the more reason to have voter ID. Who needs to win the war of ideas when you can “specialize in winning elections”.

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