Fresno Bee: California Pays Millions to Keep Illegal Alien Sex Offenders from Deportation – IOTW Report

Fresno Bee: California Pays Millions to Keep Illegal Alien Sex Offenders from Deportation

The Fresno Bee‘s Mackenzie Mays has published an extraordinary investigation that reveals the State of California is keeping dozens of illegal alien sex offenders in a mental health institution rather than deporting them — often against their wishes.  MORE

9 Comments on Fresno Bee: California Pays Millions to Keep Illegal Alien Sex Offenders from Deportation

  1. I say keep them locked up. The entire point of keeping them locked up is so they can’t rape and molest anymore. Deporting them just means they’ll be back in the U.S. raping and molesting again.

  2. Well, CA must be pretty well off, no pot holes, all the kids are fed, public housing humus greater than the demand, teachers are all paid and don’t need raises, all the dams are repaired and ready for rains if they are blowing millions on illegal aliens who rape no less.


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