Fresno Shooter Has a Rap Video – IOTW Report

Fresno Shooter Has a Rap Video

This is the soundtrack playing in a mentally ill person’s mind.

ht/ all too much

20 Comments on Fresno Shooter Has a Rap Video

  1. Brad, I agree with you, but what charges do you think you would face if you shot this POS and you couldn’t prove you were directly threatened? California, as well as other jurisdictions have some pretty punitive laws on that. Myself, I would like to see you put two in his head before he could hit the ground, but that is just me.

  2. Joe6pak, The Penal codes dictate you would need to witness him committing a felony or witness the imminent threat of taking a life. In California with a Heightened sense of danger.(which references a loved one) What ever the hell that is. Considering the amount of times CCWs have saved LEO in the last couple months they need to give us more leeway. If this happened in my county I think they’d have my back. Any other county honestly I probably walk away. I don’t look good in stripes, especially horizontal. Sad really. I shoot with guys that put 20 times more rounds down range than you average LEO a year. They are not young either. Actually a couple of them are LEO. Anyway, if shit gets bad enough maybe they’ll give us a little more flexibility.

  3. Am I brave because I made it to 01:43? Dude had serious mental misfires, and that ankh swinging back and forth on his nose did not indicate one scintilla of sanity. Could have ‘poofed’ him out, or maybe turned him into a garden snail, if they’d have just called Doctor Bombay, don’t you think? (I really loved Doctor Bombay!!!).

  4. After watching the majority of this video, I really don’t think this guy had mental problems. His rap video sounded like a manifesto to me. He was talking about shooting white people, black power etc.

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