Friend Of Julie Swetnick’s Casts Doubt On Claims She Made In 1994 Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Friend Of Julie Swetnick’s Casts Doubt On Claims She Made In 1994 Lawsuit

  • Julie Swetnick, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, claimed in a 1994 lawsuit against the Washington, D.C. Metro that she lost modeling jobs after injuring her nose in a 1992 incident. 
  • But a friend of Swetnick’s who she listed as one of her employers says that he never hired Swetnick.
  • The revelation comes after The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that Swetnick was sued by a former employer in 2000 and accused of “unwelcome, sexually suggestive conduct.” 


SNIP:  Another swing and a miss for Avenatti!

5 Comments on Friend Of Julie Swetnick’s Casts Doubt On Claims She Made In 1994 Lawsuit

  1. What’s there in what she said *not* to believe?!?
    I mean, if *I* went to a party and there was a gang rape,
    I’d *also* go to the next 9 parties where exactly the same happened!
    (/s) << necessary?

  2. Cosby kept his bad conduct on the down low but it was widely discussed after the first few talked……if Brett was as notorious as Bill, we would have heard about this before and one of the previous checks would have found something.


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