From The “Am I supposed to think this is bad news?” File – IOTW Report

From The “Am I supposed to think this is bad news?” File

Today on Yahoo.

ht/ politopinion

25 Comments on From The “Am I supposed to think this is bad news?” File

  1. If I were an illegal I would thanked the white people of this country for letting them stay here.
    I would have explained that I will work hard to stay here and I will learn English and be a productive citizen.
    What did they do…..fuck you America we are going to take over your country and you can’t do a damn thing about it.

    Get out of my country illegal aliens.

  2. I say,

    “Fix your own damn country or get a fucking job and quit being a fucking parasite on the members of society who actually produce.”

    ….then you wouldn’t have to be dependent on food stamps.

  3. In the 70’s, the illegals came in during the spring,
    worked through to the fall, and left for the winter.
    All was good.

    Then the dhimmicrats started giving them benefits.
    Don’t forget that. Don’t fucking forget that.

  4. I want to see an HONEST assessment from our government of how much welfare / food stamps / EBT dollars / Medicaid / etc. (“freebies” paid for by US taxpayers) goes to ILLEGALS and other assorted “immigrants / refugees / disadvantaged minorities” in this country. I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that close $1 trillion per year of American taxpayer dollars goes to people that shouldn’t even be here to begin with or at least shouldn’t be living off of the taxpayer like they are.

    If America is to survive as a “going concern”, we can’t operate as a long term “charity” for freeloading scum that has no concern for where its funds actually come from or how they will be maintained. The entire leftist / progressive mindset of complete idiocy has to stop and be repelled by common sense in all sectors of the financial and moral economy of America.

  5. Off topic, sorta… I read an article recently stating California spends about $75G on the average prisoner.
    I’m working my fingers to the bone for what??? I feel like going to California, robbing a bank, going to prison and living like a Queen!

  6. The parasites are so afraid of deportation that they’re willing to give up some of the swag? Seems like there may be a lesson in here, somewhere.

    That’s the best news I’ve read all week.

    HELLO! (*knock**knock**knock*) DC? Anybody home? Anybody paying attention?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @ Vietvet, good point,
    @ /notmyrealname – “Go to Ca prison system and live like a queen”, are you a guy? I think they pay for the re-assignment surgery.

  8. It might also be pointed out that many illegals are sending their under-the-table paychecks back to Mexico, making their participation in Food Stamps and other welfare “necessary” in the first place.

  9. @Bubba’s Brother. “HONEST assessment from our government”

    You should be a stand up comic. The terms ‘honest’ and ‘government’ together are an oxymoron.

    Other oxymorons:
    Department of Justice
    National Security
    Congressional Representative
    Social Justice Warriors
    Department of Education
    Higher Education
    Etc, etc, etc,

  10. I lived in California back in the late 70’s. It was crawling with illegals back then and they were snotty and contemptious as hell. Beautiful state but I couldn’t deal with the hostility. Yes there are some really good people, but you could pick them out of the crowd. Sad that its spreading everywhere.

  11. Illegals can’t get SNAP, however, there mass quantities of anchor babies can get SNAP plus every other benefit. For one month of expedited SNAP benefits you don’t need to prove citizenship. There are hundreds of little loop holes. What gets me are the mama’s having baby after baby with the same man and of course they don’t know where he is to pursue Child Support. Bull Shiiiite. Don’t get me started on the lying, cheating, filth bag Somali invaders that Gov.’s Strickland and Son-of-a-mailman let in Ohio. Try household sizes of 15 to 18 living in connected public housing units, draining every welfare program in existence.

  12. @AbigailAdams June 7, 2017 at 8:57 am

    It might also be pointed out that many illegals are sending their under-the-table paychecks back to Mexico, making their participation in Food Stamps and other welfare “necessary” in the first place.

    So, you’re saying they’re the most qualifiedest Democratic Presidential candidates? Ever!

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